Mixing a Demo of my band's new song...


Apr 15, 2011
Let me know what you think, please be super particular. I'm the drummer and I tracked the guitars, so if any of the leads sound off, that's why, this is just a rough demo/practice mixing.

I'm really digging the way the kick sounds in the new WCAR album, it's so wide, and fat, but still had a bit of attack, and I can't seem to get that, if anyone has some tips on processing kick 10 like that, it would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!


P.S. The bass is Trilian, this is my first time using it in a song, so feel free to nitpick that too!
are you clipping the kick? if not that may help it stand out(im on my work computer the speakers arent amazing haha but the kick sounds a lil burried)

I have not tried clipping the kick, but I think it might be the speakers, because it doesn't sound buried at all. I just went through a 2 day ordeal where my kick had WAY too much low end, then I toned it down too much, but I got it a good level finally. I just wanna figure out how to get that round, deep sounding kick, but not overpower the whole mix.
I just listened on my phone so I'm not allowed to have production related comments or questions, but I must say the song itself is awesome. I love the style of it dude. I would rock this. Hopefully the vocals are as good as the music.
I really like the way this sounds.
The drums could use a bit more humanization. Maybe try getting one of Joey's packs for the cymbals. Slate cymbals are kinda iffy.
The bass sounds super sick though.
Maybe try bringing up the rhythm guitars a little bit.
Are you putting it through any sort of Master comp or Saturation or anything? That might help it blend together a little more.
I really like the way this sounds.
The drums could use a bit more humanization. Maybe try getting one of Joey's packs for the cymbals. Slate cymbals are kinda iffy.
The bass sounds super sick though.
Maybe try bringing up the rhythm guitars a little bit.
Are you putting it through any sort of Master comp or Saturation or anything? That might help it blend together a little more.

These are Joey cymbals, haha. What do you think I could do to humanize them more? I honestly really didn't do much out of laziness, just hit the humanize button in logic. I could make the drums sound a lot better if I wanted but I'm not very good at making the cymbals more realistic, any tips?

I'm glad the bass sounds good, haha, I worked on it long enough...

I'm just running q10>c1>c4>l1 atm. What else could i do to bring it together?

Any tips for the kick at all? :p
I just listened on my phone so I'm not allowed to have production related comments or questions, but I must say the song itself is awesome. I love the style of it dude. I would rock this. Hopefully the vocals are as good as the music.

Thanks a lot dude :) If you like what you hear, my band is in my sig!
Kick Sounds good from here.
The cymbals are a little bit loud in some parts. Try automating the volume.
You can try a transient designer on them also just to add some sustain.

Nice song :)
What cymbal pack is this? I'm considering making a purchase soon.

I'd personally go with something other than kick10 for this mix. I'd rather hear a nicer snare, the kick seems fine. Maybe some more room on the snare and toms should help fill them out a little. and give the mix some more vibe.

What are the guitars processed with? They are sitting really nicely with the bass/mix.
What cymbal pack is this? I'm considering making a purchase soon.

I'd personally go with something other than kick10 for this mix. I'd rather hear a nicer snare, the kick seems fine. Maybe some more room on the snare and toms should help fill them out a little. and give the mix some more vibe.

What are the guitars processed with? They are sitting really nicely with the bass/mix.

I'm using truth emerald cymbals with the china from the screaming simple pack (i despise the china in the emerald). When you say more room, do you mean turn up my drum reverb bus? And dude, that's the joey snare. i bought it because i could not get CRAP with ssd ex. I can not get any of those snares to not sound plastic-y. The snare you hear there is the best snare tone i've ever gotten so far. If you have any tips for processing slate snares....go ahead an let me know, I'm all ears, haha

oh and for my guitars it's just podfarm>eq>l1
Just an update on this little demo. I messed around with the drums a TON last night, going for a really chango feel. I feel like I did a pretty good job with the kick/snare. I also brought the cymbals down a bit, as suggested. What do you guys think?
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/Djentle Touch chango drumz.mp3

Whoops, I just realized that's a different song. But it's from the same project/set of demos. So you'll get the idea.
The second mix sounds killer man. Nice job.

EDIT: And oh yeah, trying blending kick10 with another kick. Make one have lots of lows, and another for attack. I think Joey does that with Kick10 and Kick5. I'm not quite sure. I don't use Slate right now, but from what I read I think it's safe to say he does/did something like that. But in all honesty, the second mix's kick sounds fine. Very punchy. Great mix bro.
Listening on laptop speakers but, I REALLY dig the first one. Not a fan of the second one at all though (songwriting-wise too).

As far as OP- I'm not sure on the actual album, but when the "To Move On To Is To Grow" single was released last year, Joey said he didn't use any Slate samples at all. So that may be why you can't get a kick tone similar to it if you are using Slate

And selke61- As far as I know, Joey has always used just kick 10. I never see him mentioning blending with anything else. (Correct me if I am wrong though.)
And selke61- As far as I know, Joey has always used just kick 10. I never see him mentioning blending with anything else. (Correct me if I am wrong though.)

I could be completely wrong and I most likely am, but I've heard of it done before, probably just mixed up the person. In any event, still a great method. I stick to one kick, however. I get the attack and low end I need.