Mixing a live DVD


Chris Clancy
Dec 6, 2008
I'm in the process of mixing a dvd for a pop/punk band. They played to a click (thankfully), and I have edited drums, triggered, tuned vocals and am left with a somewhat crappy guitar sound which there is little I can do about. They took DI's but they cut out, get turned up and down and it just sounds bad.

Besides this issue, is there any particular approach to mixing something that is live compared to a studio track?

Any tricks that anybody knows of?

Something I found useful, the overheads had a very strong hi-hat signal. So much so that when it plays it takes over the mix so I sidechained the hi-hat channel with the overheads to duck them out slightly when the hi-hat plays.

It still needs to sound very much live, but I also want it quite polished. I'd put samples up, but I wouldn't have the permission of the artist.