hi-hat bleed on oh mics

Uncle Junior

Jun 24, 2009
Hi, so here's a quick mix, the hi hat channel is muted so you hear only OH mics.

I was suggested sidechaining hi-hat tack to the OH with a multiband compressor, but i dont have a decent multiband comp. and the one in cubase doesnt support sidechaining, i have c6 sidechain compressor but the sends from hi hat dont show it available :/

Hi-hat problem:


The previous mix of the same band:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1475403/BLACK DIAMOND_master_v02.mp3
i spent quite a bit to understand hihats mics are not my thing.. so i just use oh's instead, this sounds really great man! really good vibe on it, leave the hats mic off! the vox is kind'a too in front of everything for me, but really nice vocals too!