Mixing Clean Vocals....Making them bigger and such.


Apr 7, 2006
So I'm recording some clean vocals over a rock/metal song. Verses sound find, but I am wondering what kind of things you do to make your tracks sound bigger? Not necessarily JUST mixing...but also multiple tracks/layering. I'm not really tight enough to double my tracks without making them sound doubled...but my problem is I get to the chorus and the vocals sound of similar intensity and volume to the verses.

I could fiddle with harmonies, but do you guys layer three tracks, panned middle left and right? Or all 3 center? What do you guys do?

I don't know what the initial step of your process is, but some people always avoid this:

Automating the vocal line syllable by syllable.

It's a major pain in the ass, but works wonders. I usually do this for clean vocals. For growling/screaming/blah I just squash the shit out of everything.

And yes, I keep the primary one in the middle, and pan the two 30% left and 30% right.

Edit: I don't know if you avoid automating by the syllable. So if you don't, Cheers!