Mixing gear: headphones


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I do know Beyer DT 880 and 770, great headphones imo but I'm on a tight budget right now and I gotta get good ones for mixing - especially checking the low end of my work for less than 100€. Challenge or easy task? ;)

I've seen some stuff at Thomann for around 70-90€, I'd like to have your opinion on them:
- Audio Technica ATH-M40fs (77€) - closed
- Audio Technica ATH-D40fs (77€) - closed
- AKG K121 Studio (82€)
- AKG K142 HD (82€)
- Ultrasone HFI-450 (88€) - closed
- AKG K240 (91€)

Maybe advices on other - better - headphones in the same price range could be cool as fuck!
Again, I mainly need these to work on the low end as my monitor system doesn't allow me to do a proper work. Preferably closed headphones but not mandatory.

Push for the M50.

It's the ATH M50 / M50s, right?
Hum... yeah it seems to be a great one I guess but it's too expensive for the moment. I'm broken. 100€ is even a bit too much.

With 150€, you'd take the M50 instead of the DT770pro?
Yes but I can't afford them! :waah:
Seriously I need something now and I have max 90€ in the pocket. Don't know really which one I have to choose between those I found. The M40 I think...
Thanks man for the link, really appreciated!
I need them because I'm tired of being 'deaf' when it's time to work on the low end. My monitors and room are not great and the more I work on projects, the more I am better at mixing (a little little bit!) and the more I pay attention to the low frequencies which are vital in a mix. I'm sure I could have better results with decent headphones. And as we speak, I'm starting a new project and it's time to buy ones.