So last night after decided I wasn't happy with how my instruments were battling each other in my mixes I thought it would be beneficial to try mixing it in mono and give everything it's own space via EQ and a little compression and verb so that when I went back to stereo and actually panned everything out I would end up with really well separated tracks. Needless to say this completely put me in my place, I am a n00b and I am awful at this.
How do you guys normally do the mono mix thing? Do you do a sort of half finished mix in stereo, then go to mono to EQ out the battling frequencies and then back to stereo to finish it off? It just seems like starting in mono with all the faders at unity is totally overwhelming with 30-40 tracks all battling for the same space
How do you guys normally do the mono mix thing? Do you do a sort of half finished mix in stereo, then go to mono to EQ out the battling frequencies and then back to stereo to finish it off? It just seems like starting in mono with all the faders at unity is totally overwhelming with 30-40 tracks all battling for the same space