Mixing Lead Guitar ?


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2010
Montreal, Canada

Well I've seen a billion threads about Rhythm Guitar tones, but few about lead guitar. I'll keep this simple.

- Do you use the same Miking technique on your Lead tracks ?
- How do you pan the lead tracks and solos ? (If there are harmonized parts, or just a single lead track)
- Amp settings ? ¯\(°_o)/¯
- Reverb and Delay (Wet, Time (relative to tempo), Feedback)

Thanks in advance :>
don't know the track, but you can find it out yourself by using headphones.

and on the settings compared to rhythm; less bass and preamp gain, more everything else.

I thought the conventional wisdom was to up the bass and gain on lead tones, no?

Also, I remember hearing that adding a little delay or chorus helped too.
I thought the conventional wisdom was to up the bass and gain on lead tones, no?

Well, depends on what kind of lead tone you want. Decreasing the gain adds clarity, more gain covers small mistakes but makes the sound less intelligible. If you play your solos only on the lowest 2 strings, then maybe adding bass is a good idea, but most of the lead stuff is played like 1-4 octaves higher than rhythm guitars, so there is no need to add bass as you don't play in that area that the bass knob usually affects (0-300hz). Also that way you give more headroom for other stuff as you won't be stuffing the low end with all the unnessecary shit.