Mixing (powerviolence) with one guitar track

Not sure the setup they used- but I'm downloading the files from Dropbox as we speak and I have a 57 track and a 421 track of one guitar. Bass was split clean and into a Sansamp.

Right now I'm either thinking a delay on rhythm and room mics behind it to fill it in

or rather delaying the bass and panning the guitar and Sansamp bass to whatever sounds right, possibly with the delay and room to fill it in.

I'm wondering what kind of approach you guys would take and/or if you guys could take some time to shoot me some examples from yourself or youtube.

Anyway- these guys play hardcore/powerviolence so I'm actually not so bummed about only having one guitar to keeps it punx

Thanks duders
Treat the 57 and 421 as separate parts. They're different enough in tone that you can get away with it. Don't pan them super hard, more like 40% either way. Send them both to a reverb aux with a room impulse panned hard left and right to give it a sense of space. That may do the trick for you.
sometimes on live recordings with only 1 guitar i will copy and then use a 1 band EQ on one side with the phase flipped... i find that this usually gives a more natural sound than the haas delay trick. that and EQ'ing each side differently - either more dramatic EQ overall or just a brighter tone.
I wouldn't nudge the mics. Since it's one performance that's going to cause some phase issues. Automation should have been part of the game plan even if there was a second guitarist recorded.

Oh, what you might want to try is cutting up sections of repeated riffs. Like they play the same thing 4 times, cut it in half, then copy the second half to a new track so that it doubles the first half, then copy the first half to a new track so it doubles the second half. That only works if they played to a click and did it well, though.
Oh, what you might want to try is cutting up sections of repeated riffs. Like they play the same thing 4 times, cut it in half, then copy the second half to a new track so that it doubles the first half, then copy the first half to a new track so it doubles the second half. That only works if they played to a click and did it well, though.

Very good idea if that's possible (due to fills etc.). It would be a bit of work but might be worth it.
track one guitar feeding back and pan it opposite of the guitar track
pan the clean bass DI centre and the sansamp bass track opposite the guitar so it sounds like a live show ???