Mixing Practice "Torque - Enhance Our Burial" (DI's Included)

Aug 16, 2011
Hey guys, we recently recorded our first official song; "Enhance Our Burial." The song was mixed and mastered by Drygva Studios.
Visit their fanpage here: Drygva Studio


You can download this song for free here:http://torqueofficial.bandcamp.com/

And here are all the files for mixing practice:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66715527/Torque%20-%20Enhance%20Our%20Burail.rar

We hope you guys enjoy our music. :devil:
I like your bass! Could have more low end but sounds cool.

Thanks. I did something I've never done before and i'm quite pleased with the results. On the Masterbus I loaded Waves MaxxBass preset Aggressive Bass. Then I brought it down a bit (maybe too much) because it was too boomy , it completely changed the characteristic of the song, you should give it a shot! I think this is what gave the overall bass sound of the song, not the bass guitar. But if you want to know how i processed the bass . 2 tracks bass guitar. The grit track I loaded CLA Bass, Piano Wire preset. HP the track at 450hz maybe a little more. And for the other bass track I did your typical LPF and used it mainly for the bass side of it. Then sent it to a bass buss and used a lowshelf to control the low end of the bass. Oh on the grit track i also added 30% of a chorus effect. I think thats about it. Guitars are tse808-NickCrow 8505-Custom Impulse I made. I'm not too happy with the snare, I only used one sample.

Check out my variant =)
Variant from [CORE OF THE STORM] Records
vk . com/StormRec

Skype: StormDjent

Hey very nice man, instead of using the snare for the intro, you should use the floor tom. Not sure if you did that intentionally or it was just a mistake.

Nice mix! I prefer the real amp. I think it has more "air." What amp is it?
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