Thash - Mixing Practice! :D


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
Here it goes;i was taking a little time to practice my mixing so i took some of days to lay a pair of guitar tracks down, a bass, Drums and vocals on this thrash-like song.

Guitars are all plugins
Drums are all blended samples
OH & Drum Room are BFD 2
DI bass, and Guitars.

I'd like to hear your pointers and opinions on this one, to make it sound better! =)

[The chorus needs to be tracked with some more people, here its just me]

PD: i can upload the DI's and Drum's MIDI if you guys want to give it a try =)
Give us the DI's! I need something to occupy my time. :D

Your mix is pretty bland. Mostly because of the guitar and drum sounds.
Tracks line up at bar 8. Just so everyone knows. The drums have 8 bars of silence whereas every other track only has 1.