Again, so glad so many of you have enjoyed this. Sorry I haven't been able to respond, I have been busy! I'm gonna listen to some of you guys mixes and say what I think about them.
xthecavemanx: Really dig the bass tone! I think the snare has a bit too much reverb, and the guitars lack that "oomph", though!
oter1st: Nice, fat, guitar tone. I think the kick sounds very weak though, it's like just a click!
Hadsburgs: REALLY fat guitars! Feeling they lack a little bit of top though, adn the drums feel a little buried sometimes!
phillycheese: In my opinion a bit too bassy. I would probably bring down the bass track a few dBs. <:
xXxMetalJunkiexXx: The whole mix seems a little too squashed, I would suggest ligtening up that limiter and letting it breath a bit more!
Vildhjarta: Some drum hits seem to be missing..? :c And the rest of the drums seem to not be glueing witht he rest of the mix!