Mixing real music this time! (real drums, real amps, vocals...)

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hi all!!

This is a mix I've done for the forum member theBlackLOBSTERmurder.
I'd like to ask all of you and not only him about this mix!

http://files.getdropbox.com/u/425433/Dargolf - Dope (Final Mix).mp3

I'm unaware of the details of the recording, as I'm mixing this only.
BTW It says final, but I'd be willing to change things, maybe lower the snare and vocals a tad! :D

If I'm learning something in this forum is that no mix is final ever :lol:

Cheers! :kickass:


Latest version: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/425433/Dargolf - Dope (Final Mix v4).mp3
Sounds great man. Maybe lower the vox a tad like you said, but it's not a huge deal. What drum samples are these?
Holy shit, that's some tight musicians! Awesome mix too, I think it's pretty good. Maybe the drums can be too overpowering at certain parts, like at the double bass parts and stuff but... I'm not sure. I think the mix is good enough, it's just up to salt and pepper now, and everyone has different tastes so.. :D

Good job Erik!
that guitar tone is fucking huge
holy fuck
what the FUCK did you do erik? :O
sounds really really good
id bring down drums and vocals just 1 or 1.5 db
(or bring up guitars)

WE WANT INFO ON....everything :p
holy shit pirate solo holy shit holy shit
this is good shit
Excellent work........seeing I'm not the client i won't make suggestions as to how loud things should be,but as an overall mix it's working very well.
You should be chuffed.
No problems here Erik.. sounds good dude.
I would scoop the mids on the toms a bit though, and the overheads are not consistent in volume, but that's all i can think off right now.
Only thing I can think of by listening to it today, is the hihat could be just a touch lower in volume, as it's clouding a bit of the guitar in the right. Otherwise... goddamn!
Only thing I can think of by listening to it today, is the hihat could be just a touch lower in volume, as it's clouding a bit of the guitar in the right. Otherwise... goddamn!

this is the damn truth, i compressed the OH a little bit more, and erased it's dynamics even more, and as a co-result, hihat is louder now :erk:. It's as easy to fix as turn down some fader tho.:loco:
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/425433/Dargolf - Dope (Final Mix v3).mp3

What about now? :lol:

Answering some quesions:

Drums are original OH + my custom snare made from 2 samples (tama starclassic and behindert's) + the kick they provided, sounds like sneap kick or something like that.

I'd love to know which amps were used to record the guitars, cuz they sound really good in the raw tracks. I just did some EQ to make it fit better in the mix and filtered it. Scooped some mids from 600hz or so and did some rollercoaster-alike eq curves :lol. But the raw product was really good.

I don't like the bass, not really tight played (fingers) but the tone is good enough to work, POD farm, my usual preset.

Vocals just have some compression, high-end rolled back a bit (16khz), boosted a little of 3-5khz. This was to eliminate the upper overtones of the low growls (that ones that make you sound like a mad 12 yr old) while maintaining some presence. Hipass on 200hz to eliminate the plosives (the singer could have been far more from the mic, or used a better windscreen). Added 250-400hz a tad just to maintain the growl on the vox amongst all the instruments. Stereo delay on 1/1 notes left; 3/4 notes right; lowpass on 3Khz, highpass on 400hz on the delayed notes; about 10% mix. Some slight verb.