Mixing Screaming vocals.

Zak with OMG

Bringer of screams
Oct 11, 2009
Connersville, Indiana
Yo. I already made a thread about getting the best Raw sound out of your interface......but now i have a question that i think deserves it's own thread. ¯\(o_0)/¯ How do mix screaming vocals...

What kinds of effects, plugin, vst's, tips with eq's. Anything would be extremely helpful to me. Thanks.
Saturation and harmonic excitement works well here in order to maximize audibility in a dense mix. Apart from that, just the usual run of good compression, and a slight bit of EQ to shape the vocal a little for the mix. Beyond that it's to taste with stereo wideners, delays, verb, chorus etc.
Best to stay away from them if you aren't sure what they do or how they work. Sometimes people get carried away with it.

But I've been finding that some tape saturation on vocals helps immensely.
Best to stay away from them if you aren't sure what they do or how they work. Sometimes people get carried away with it.

But I've been finding that some tape saturation on vocals helps immensely.


You're better off layering takes to get width than using a stereo widener.

Sometimes I limit the hell out of harsh vocals. Then some EQ to make them fit, a little delay, and a nice verb (generally Freeverb) to finish it off at the end.

As with anything else, getting a good take at the source is the key to getting great sounding vocals.
wow....thanks guys. Im really surprised at this forum. Jeez. Im 18, I start college in January (music compisition), and I have a feeling that this forum will teach me more......hahahahaha. seriously....thanks.
For screaming vocals I normally have a little eq, some compression, distortion or saturation (massey tapehead is great for this) and parallel compression/limiting.

I normally have sends set up for a delay and a room reverb for screaming vocals.

Check out this thread for some great info on mixing all kinds of vocals: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/production-tips/499638-depth-vocal-mixing-thread.html

And yeah dude, I did 3 years of college, have been recording for about 7 years, and I still spend hours on this forum every day. There is a ridiculous amount of information here.
Don't be afraid to slam the compressor (an opto usually works best for my personal liking, though I often combine it with another comp), and force the vocalist to do tight-as-hell layered takes. Check out this guide (and all the other FaderWear guides, Santeri knows his shit :)), too: http://www.faderwear.com/guides/split_harmonizer.shtml

wow....thanks guys. Im really surprised at this forum. Jeez. Im 18, I start college in January (music compisition), and I have a feeling that this forum will teach me more......hahahahaha. seriously....thanks.

And you'll probably find that true :)
Vocals are, in my opinion and many others, the most important part of any production (I mean, you know, most of the time).

Anyways, you gotta be careful w/all the stereo widening B.S. and whatnot. Best thing to do is take the time during the tracking stage and get the vocalist to do any and all layers, doubles, etc. as you go along.

I wing this part of it and let me imagination run wild, thinking ahead about what's going to sound cool on the final product as far as C, L and R vocals and any variation therein.

I commit all my ideas to tape and hope to god I had the vocalist do enough to make the vocal production stand out.

Other than that, compression, a little saturation and a little EQ (I've found that the more EQ you use on the vocals, the worse they sound and you'll have a hell of a time getting them to sit in the mix).

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment! If it doesn't sound right, try adding/subtracting stuff until it sounds right you. Don't be afraid and dont be held back by so-called 'rules' you read somewhere on a forum.
Yo. I already made a thread about getting the best Raw sound out of your interface......but now i have a question that i think deserves it's own thread. ¯(o_0)/¯ How do mix screaming vocals...

What kinds of effects, plugin, vst's, tips with eq's. Anything would be extremely helpful to me. Thanks.

zak, you're innocent, and a n00b, but you must search before posting. the "in depth vocal guide" thread that trevoire linked you to contains more info than you could ever possibly need. some of our less patient members will begin ruthlessly flaming you (even more) if you continue to ask basic questions that have already been answered. you're usage of the "how do" man is much appreciated and shows you've lurked before, but that won't excuse you for simple mistakes.

just advice to protect you from ruthless h8ing in the future.
I can tell you one thing. This forum is alot different then others. It's less of a Open kinda thing....and more of a... Its hard to explain. A place where people who know what they are talking about come and chill...share their mixes....joke. Whatever. This is something I didn't know when I joined. Im trying to be less of an annoying bastard. hehehe. I wont ask "how to" questions anymore. Unless they can't be found anywhere else and are specific. No more Common sense stupid shit.
thats all anyone asks dude just do a little reading first before asking questions...sometimes the noob questions still need to be asked but people will be able to tell if u tried to figure it out and couldnt vs. just posted it and waited for someone here to answer