mixing the vocals

I usually take the same steps many others take
cuts first, comp, boosts, comp, ect ect

Comps - 1176s, LA2As, Puig Fairchilds, Rvox, L2s
Eqs - Pultecs, Digi EQs, Waves EQs
I usually take the same steps many others take
cuts first, comp, boosts, comp, ect ect

Comps - 1176s, LA2As, Puig Fairchilds, Rvox, L2s
Eqs - Pultecs, Digi EQs, Waves EQs

Thank you very much for your answer)
could you tell me more, step by step?
Nope I really cant, every voice it different and every mix is different.
My best advice is to use your ears and know your gear/plugs.

If I think a certain voice needs a certain type of vibe or sound, I will reach for a compressor that I know that will give it that feel.
Nope I really cant, every voice it different and every mix is different.
My best advice is to use your ears and know your gear/plugs.

If I think a certain voice needs a certain type of vibe or sound, I will reach for a compressor that I know that will give it that feel.

understood, thank you very much for your help)
I have noticed that a good hardware preamp + compressor helps a lot when recording. I have the SPL Track One that is a "lazy mans" channel strip tailored for vocals (one knob de-esser and compressor ftw). I usually have highpass on, then de-esser at max, then the compressor set pretty hard and then I compensate the de-essed signal high end with the highshelf boost especially if using SM7b, but otherwise I have the EQ relatively flat, I may cut around low mids tho. Then ITB I usually have like delay and reverb and maybe some compression, but that's pretty much it. Remember; get sound at the source.