Mixing thrash metal vocals


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I have to mix some thrash vocals, they were tracked through an SM7 and they sound cool, but a bit "flat" when listened raw. Performance is cool though.

I'd like to obtain a Testament/early Metallica/Exodus... kind of vocal sound.
Any tips on this ? I know it's diffcult to help someone out when you can't hear the mix but ideas are welcome :) (and I will post a sample)

I only highpassed @ 180 Hz and cut a bit of 300-400 Hz for now. Added 1176 and distorsion, sounds cool but a bit narrow. When I try to add some verb/delay it starts to sound a little fake. I tried a few pan tricks and it's also cool.
I just treat them like any other rock or metal vocals. Except in thrash sometimes you need a bit more verb, delay, or whatever 'spacening' effects to help fill out the back somewhat.

Really depends whether you like the vox sound on 'The Thrashening' record I put up. I can go over what I remember of that chain if it helps.