MIXING TIME, SONG3: Complete Feared song inside

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Third song for mixing... Since I've been trying to be a father and all that I haven't record a new song, BUT I'm letting you guys mix a full featured Feared song.

This time around I have a mixdown of the drums for you guys that don't use DFH or Steven Slate.

The guitars are recorded with my Ibanez MTM2 guitar straight into my Apogee One interface.

Also the song is in 194 bpm, just line everything up and it should fit.

For the files:

Link updated 2010-09-05 :

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7514537/Reared LRA.rar

ADDED: The mysterious missing back guitars for the solo:

And as always I'm posting my rendition aswell(trying out my Axe Fx but in the video the guitars are not reamped. Just re recorded with my new guitar).

NEW 2010-04-30
Oh and for all you guys want to use this song for their studio homepage or myspace I've been kinda restricted.

But you may use the song as long as there is a reference to my name/band and link to www.feared.se and http://www.youtube.com/fearedse
Also before adding send me a PM for approval.

Cheers guys, looking forward hearing your renditions of the song. :headbang:
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Great song dude! Also can't wait to download this sick stuff :D Do you plan to record a full lenght album with Feared?