MIXING TIME, SONG4: Full song inside(EVH5150mkiii)

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Time for a new mixing time thread. Just line every audiofile to start at the same point and import tempo information and you'll be fine.

This time one of the latest songs I recorded with the EVH 5150iii. These takes are straight from the preamp so you are more limited to what sound you will get in the end. So no clean DI this time. But you can still reamp with whatever.

The Midi is for Superior 2.0. I'll probably going to do a backing track later tonight so you guys that doesn't own Superior can have something to work with.

I loaded up everything in reaper just to try it and it worked with the tempo and everything. The only thing that bothers me is that the midi file is transposed one octave higher when I import it to reaper. Strange, just transpose the MIDI an octave lower (-12).

Download here: http://www.oep.se/Audio/Feared-53.zip

Drum backing track: http://www.oep.se/Audio/backtrack-drums.wav


For reference here is my rendition:
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thats awesome, but why just the preamp? care to also put your miced signal in? would be even more awesome imo ;D
I dig the song, but I dunno if I'll download - your DI quality always seems somewhat below par. Straight from the amp it's sick, but your DI box seems to suck all the life out of it. Or are the guitars in the file from the amp, I'm a little confused.

Are you using Greg's impulse in your mix?
I dig the song, but I dunno if I'll download - your DI quality always seems somewhat below par. Straight from the amp it's sick, but your DI box seems to suck all the life out of it. Or are the guitars in the file from the amp, I'm a little confused.

Are you using Greg's impulse in your mix?

These files are from the preamp out/slave whatever it was called. I did a slave recording since I wanted to make my own impulse of the setup. But I also recorded the amp and cab(which are used in the video).
ah ok,thats true...a pitty though, would love to work with your miced one ;)
anyway I think that a lot of ppl will use s-preshigh or gregs beta impulse
still having no working pc, so it doesnt matter for me anyway I guess
Fuck yeah!

Downloading now, working on it later. These have helped me out so much.
If I do that we will get 20 mixes sounding just the same. If everyone reamped or used their own impulses at least we get some difference between the mixes.

Is that ever the case though? We've seen in the past that people will come up with very different mixes, even if provided with similar source tracks.

I'd love to take a stab at this, but have NO recreational time for this kinda stuff at all :(. It's always a pleasure to mix your songs dude. Keen to hear what the rest of the guys do with it.
Let's go with a quick mix.

What bass it is?