MIXING TIME, SONG4: Full song inside(EVH5150mkiii)

Great snare! Mind sharing which sample was it? ^^

Sure thing. Well it's superior's 14" GMS Nir-Z Custom. The chain is eq, comp and trueverb. Nothing speical. No blending or replacement. Actually I thought it's a bit reverby because of its heavy compression but glad you like it.
My first Goddamn Guitar mix! :)
Use the drum wav as I dont have SD2. Nice song btw like it a lot!.
Well heres my mix as usual its not mastered.

Will reupload tomorrow jeez!... thx FF666
You forgot to send the guitars through cab simulation or real cab if you have one.

Fuck me!, thats what a 2 hours mix and hating what sans amp does. And leaving for nice dinner out!. Jeez thx lmao!. :rolleyes:
Cant believe I did that actually... :mad:
Sure thing. Well it's superior's 14" GMS Nir-Z Custom. The chain is eq, comp and trueverb. Nothing speical. No blending or replacement. Actually I thought it's a bit reverby because of its heavy compression but glad you like it.

Tnx! It rly sounds very nice!