modding a FCB 1010


Nov 14, 2006
is it possible to modify a behringer fcb 1010 with a lcd screen so i can see the tuner in my axe fx and maybe even the whole axe screen?

i know about the gordius expansion but i want to keep it as simple as possible and only plug one cable in the axe so i just need the floorboard on stage.
There is not much extra room on a 1010 the main thing would be the logic required to run the LCD and I would think there wouldn't be enough room on the chassis for it... some kink of long cable with an outboard logic board may work but it would probably cost as much as something you could buy to do what you want. $100 get an inline tuner and just be happy using that.
an extra tuner is no option as i´m using wireless on stage and don´t want more cables than i really need.

there has to be some way.
is the data from the axe tuner transferred via midi? if so it should be easy to just power a little lcd screen in the fcb.

i mean you can see the tuner on a pc as well when using the axe edit. and there is only a midi cable used to connect pc and axe.