Modern Blues-Influenced Metal?


Mar 2, 2007
Led Zeppelin was Blues influenced, and it seems like Metal after that was influenced by other Metal so I was wondering if there are any modern Metal bands with Blues influence like Zeppelin.
Depends on your definition of Metal really - bands like Black Stone Cherry and Sword are kinda doing something that would possibly be considered blues oriented/laced. There's a few more like that that slip my mind.
It depends on how direct you want the influences to seem on the music. For example in PLACE OF SKULLS, the blues influence is more than obvious, while in many other heavy/doom metal bands it's nothing more than a glimpse within the Sabbath influences.
Zeppelin Metal? Weren't they the hardest of the hard rock before metal came about? And I think I remember hearing something about them hating the term heavy metal.
Blues influenced metal?

Down, Wolfmother, Corrosion of Conformity.

And yes, if you were alive when Led Zeppelin came out, they were heavy metal.
First thing that came to mind for me was Eyehategod, Electric Wizard, Weedeater, Bongzilla etc.