Modern Family

Probably my favorite new show this season. I have to give it to Parks & Recreation though for its huge improvement from s1 to s2. Which isn't that surprising I guess since The Office s1 sucks compared to s2.

Yep .. it's a funny show. I like the mockumentary style .. works real well again with this show. I caught this one by mistake .. just happened across it during it's debut. I found it quite funny and added it to my DVR.

This show is one of the few TV shows on network television that I'll actually watch. I also absolutely LOVE Cougar Town, which is on right after it. Guys - do NOT miss out on Cougar Town, just because it's (supposedly) female-focused. Courtney Cox is hilarious, and there are a bunch of pretty excellent one-liners in the show. And the characters are generally pretty smart-assed about...well, everything.

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"without you, we wouldn't even have a baby to injure" lmao!

And Joan, my *mother* was telling me about Cougar Town. She thought it was so funny, she had to tell me *all* about one episode. I get my cynicism mainly from my mother, so that's saying something. ;)

This show is one of the few TV shows on network television that I'll actually watch. I also absolutely LOVE Cougar Town, which is on right after it. Guys - do NOT miss out on Cougar Town, just because it's (supposedly) female-focused. Courtney Cox is hilarious, and there are a bunch of pretty excellent one-liners in the show. And the characters are generally pretty smart-assed about...well, everything.

Anyone else love this show?

"Tell your wife to calm down"

--"That's a man"



these shows are bringing ABC back into "channels that have something worthwhile" for The Su (please note: i realize they have other shows that people like...just not what I am into) - "Modern" and "Cougar" so rock!! :):):)
these shows are bringing ABC back into "channels that have something worthwhile" for The Su (please note: i realize they have other shows that people like...just not what I am into) - "Modern" and "Cougar" so rock!! :):):)

You should watch Better Off Ted if you haven't. The fake commercials alone are worth it.
Yesterday's episode might be the best ever!

Phil's dad was totally like Phil; that was soooo awesome.

Cameron playing the drums was freakin' funny, and his "this is ackward - for me" comment when the band's old drummer came back was hilarious.

Jay taking Manny to see a horror movie had me cracking up as we all new he'd be scared shitless (and feeling the pain of watching your kid being scared is something every parent can relate to).

But the best part was Claire on the phone with Phil when his dad dropped off the dog; "we have a new rule in the house; no sleeping in bed". OMG !!! I almost wet myself laughing so much.

Anyone else still watching this show?