
Nov 23, 2002

There can be nothing more frustrating than trying to explain something to someone who cannot perceive it. It is not that they will not; if they had that kind of decision on their hands, they could understand. Not did not; they simply lack the ability to, now or forevermore, process the kind of detail required. This type of thinking is not detail-obsessed, but it require that one build a mental picture of the future based on many tiny details, because, and I hope this isn't a news flash, life rarely spells out its plans in big bold letters on the wall in front of you. All myths to the contrary, life is plenty happy to let you wander right up to disaster and linger by it for awhile until, figuring the coast is clear, you take one too many steps and BOOM, it comes crashing down on your ass.

When I tell people that modern society has a great and pervasive disease, the common response is either (a) I don't see it or (b) well, I'm doing okay, so why would I worry? The former is at least honest; the paradoxical bitterness of relativity is that it doesn't excuse one for not seeing the truth, but admits that most people literally have limitations as to how much complexity they can handle, and thus what they can perceive. An idiot sees a house on fire; a genius sees a fire extinguisher in one corner. The second group of people need more analysis, as they claim to have knowledge of impending doom, yet paradoxically, claim it does not affect them. A genius sees a house on fire and gets the fire extinguisher; an idiot simply closes the door to his room - out of sight, out of mind.

So here we are in the world where no one can perceive how deeply screwed things may be. There are thousands of details that must be correlated to see the whole picture. Most people can't drive a car through an intersection in a timely manner, or figure out routine transactions. They are distracted by their own drama, and thus they screw everything up and take forever, then get weepy if confronted. The streets are lined with giant, ugly buildings in which impersonal agencies dole out rigid policies and god help you if you're an exception. Government takes in money and sends out fines and prison sentences for gross violations. Those who are smart avoid the law while ripping people off, legally, and thus have the best of both worlds.

Few notice, but we're steadily consuming more nonrenewable resources. There will be no more gasoline; there's a finite amount. Most people cannot even comprehend that sentence to understand its implications. There is no more land that is going to be created; there is only so much land, and we use more of it each year. Everywhere one looks, the signs are there, if one knows what to look at. Jobs are hilarious shuffling of papers and conning of fellow humans into believing one illusion over the other and, thus approved, transferring one sum of money into another. People live for empty, pointless lives. The highpoint of their day is often television, or consumption of products. Interpersonal relations consist of attacking others and trying to drag them down to make yourself feel better. What kind of life is this?

One thing that astounds any sane observer is how people are isolated mentally in modern society. For example, today I saw some guy in a wheelchair selling candy at an intersection. He'd pull up right beside cars and sell you M&Ms for a couple bucks, a 100% markup for the size, and made his living that way. What was worse was that people would stop and buy candy, holding up everyone behind them in line - while they had a green light. It must be amazingly peaceful to be aware of nothing but yourself. And this same critique undoubtedly applies to people who cut down ancient forests to make clones of apartments that exist in ten thousand other locations, or people who dump toxic waste in rivers or junk in empty lots, or people who write those clever cellular phone contracts that ensure that no matter what you do, it's wrong but there's an extra charge that will make it all right.

This is the face of modernity. There's no way to tackle a specific issue in it, because the whole thing is wrong. Sure, we could make rules about stopping at intersections, but then you need a cop in every intersection to enforce that rule, or people learn they can get away with it, most of the time, thus they don't change the behavior. Similarly, we'd have to assign an infallible cop to every single person out there to prevent littering, toxic waste dumping, or sodomizing rape. Even worse is that no matter how many rules we write, there are always new ways to do something that is technically legal yet completely devoid of moral consideration for society and nature as a whole. You can make sodomizing rape porn illegal, but someone else will find something legal that's similar and will market it, and they'll be cheered on by those around them because hey, everyone loves money.

Modernity is the cause of this. We often think that our time suffers because it has no unifying philosophy, but the situation is even worse: our unifying philosophy is one of making no decisions. Instead of having a government you trust, you have the "freedom" to escape actions by your government, since it is assumed that you and the government will never come to accord on a sane way to live. You wanted a sensible job? Too bad - it's more important to have competition so that if your job sucks, you can devote the next month to finding a better one. Let the jobs that suck continue to exist, so long as we have the freedom to choose a lesser degree of suck. We're so afraid of legislation that we resist any restrictions on development, so if people destroy your neighborhood by covering its forests with concrete, your can move to a less-destroyed neighborhood.

Inevitably, such systems spiral out of control, because of two principles: relativity, and time. Relativity is a problem in that you can find something that sucks less, so you pick that instead instead of fixing the problem. Time compounds that by introducing a succession of greater suckstates, and you keep picking the lesser suckstates, until at some point the less-sucks sucks as much as the original, and you still have no recourse to change it - you're looking for something that sucks less, instead. Everything affected by this model is a vortex of decreasing standards that eventually culminates in either apocalypse or third-world-style anarchy. But remember, you need that "freedom," because instead of fixing the problem and creating a sensible government, we want you to be able to defend yourself against all governments.

This is clearly diseased reasoning, if looked at from an architectural perspective, but since such things don't pay, no one does. No one is willing to target the whole of modernity, for at least the simple reason that it makes change a seemingly large task. I think it makes it a simpler task, as when we've found out where we went wrong, we can systematically replace those beliefs with something healthier. But in a modern time, we're used to external ways of change. Use money as a carrot, and the law as the stick; "educate" (brainwash) people, or make them sign off on decisions like bureaucrats. We understand force, and treating humans and nature alike like machines, but we don't understand internal motivation, or how we could actually make people understand what they do and why. Reversing this attitude would alone undo modern society, and would give us a clear and relatively easy path of change.

William Faulkner treated this subject tangentially in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech way back in 1950:

"Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only one question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat...Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, and victories without hope and worst of all, without pity or compassion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands...I decline to accept the end of man....I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past."

The gestalt we find by combining the many details of society's failing shows us that things are not well; things are diseased and destructive. We are oblivious to them not because we ignore the details, but because we pay attention only to certain details, and we do this because modernity more than being a "thing" is a state of mind. We look at the external forces we can impose, the qualitative measurements we can use, or the ways we can manipulate each other and thus feel clever about ourselves. These are passive ways of looking at the world, and as they don't encompass all of it, they constitute only a certain segment of its detail, and leave us oblivious to the larger picture.

It's time we stop shying away from declaring war on the modern world. The effete greens demand we recycle more, and stop drilling in national wildlife refuges, but that won't stop this tide. The neo-Nazis tell us to kick out all other races, but that won't fix the problem itself. Democrats wail on about social issues and wonder why no one takes them seriously except in boom times, and Republicans periodically give lip service to traditional values so that their weapons sales and oil profits can be unimpeded (Democrats seem to have no problems with these profits, either). None of these groups offers a comprehensive solution, because none of them will say the obvious: the system of thought known as modernity has failed, and over the last 400 years, has increasingly led us into a disaster from which it's hard to extricate ourselves, because the illusion upon which that disastrous system is founded now controls our thought process, and thus has us asking the wrong questions and missing the obvious.

The war in the human soul is not being fought over specific issues, or political allegiances, but over the courage to take on this task; the courage to start seeing our society for the sham that it is. What happens when an individual picks up on this process is an avalanche of increasing disbeliefs. Suddenly, the saccharine feelgood messages of commercials and government announcements are seen as what they are: distractions from reality. Issues like abortion, Terri Schiavo's right to live, and civil rights are seen for what they are: smokescreens to distract from the big picture. All of the drama of our personal and work lives, which fills our hours so thoroughly we're always "too busy" to read Aristotle or Faulkner, is seen as the emptiness masquerading as meaning that it is, and we realize that the reason we pursue it so fanatically is the same reason a heroin addict chases the next fix in desperation: once the illusion is gone, we need more, or we have to face the naked reality of our lives.

Running from fear never got us anywhere as a species, or as individuals. If we face this fear, and conquer it, we can start attacking the real enemy, which isn't Republicans or Negroes or Corporations, but our own lack of a meaningful philosophy. We can throw out the empty philosophy of modernity and instead achieve something greater. This would end our isolated personal worlds in which we alone matter, but those haven't brought us joy - have they. They've clearly brought us greater environmental destruction, more tedious jobs, and more interpersonal politics of a revengeful and snipish nature. So what we're losing, that reality which is comfortable because it's familiar, isn't anything to be mourned. With modernity falls the illusion, and to fill that space, we need to return to a life based on meaning. Step up to that challenge and declare war on modernity today.

Thoughts? And please, no empty ad hominems or insults with regard to the article's source. On a board for civil discussion such as this, one should tackle ideas, not the people who express them.
An interesting essay, but it fails to adequately define modernity and provide suggestions for a proper way to fight it. I agree with the concepts presented; the world as I see it is pretty much going to shit. However, I see this as part of human nature, the innate willingness to lie, cheat, and steal for our own benefit. Perhaps this is what the author is talking about when s/he refers to a war--it is a war against our own nature, coming to the collective understanding in the hopelessness of a philosophy based on "new and improved". I hate to be so cliché, but I think a line in Fight Club sums it up: "We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives."

The question remains as to how we can turn it around. The first step, I believe, is to eradicate the archaic and outmoded belief systems which divide us and blur our vision of reality. Only when we all see the world for what it is can we begin to make true progress.

Needless to say I don't hold out much hope for the future. Enjoy it while it lasts, kiddies.
Total disagreement. We complain about how awful things are. Let's go back to 1348. The world was going to shit in that year, when the plague killed half of Europe, and you had no choice but to live in terror. At best you were an aristocrat part of what must have been less than a percent of the population. More likely than not, you lived practically as a slave doing subsistence farming for a lord. Things sucked then. Things sucked for all of recorded history with the exception of maybe part of Roman times and up until 200 or so years ago (Speaking of western history.)

Today, people live better lives everywhere in the world (except perhaps Africa) than at any other point in time. If anything, things are getting better.

We're not going to end the world in our lifetimes. The threat of total nuclear war is over. People knew better than to do it in the past, and they won't do it in the future. Environmentally, the sooner we run out of gas and coal the better. Then we'll be forced to use hydro and solar power, which are endlessly renewable, and clean. When we just don't have anymore gas, we'll drive electric cars. It's not so bad. Actually, a retooling of the auto industry would be a huge boost to the economy and create many jobs. Even moving these jobs overseas would create a higher standard of living in foreign countries, enabling them to buy American goods. Trade is good, and there's more trade then ever today. In general, the environment is better than 25 years ago, when regulations began.

Recycling is a huge waste. The only thing positive that comes out of it is make-work jobs. We might as well put those people to work picking up trash off the street, or paying them to build public works. Ever wonder why bums only pick up aluminum cans, and never carry paper, or plastic? There's no money in the other two. We're never going to run out of trees for paper. Can we run out of corn or potatoes? Hell no. Trees are a crop. If you know anything about economies of scale, you'll realize that recycling plastic is not economically optimal, and also harms the environment. People got fucking brainwashed into thinking it was a good idea. We have plenty of landfills. You know what they do at landfills? Bury the crap, then when it decomposes, burn the methane gas and power homes. People aren't as fucking stupid as they seem.

If you think about it, our political systems operate at the highest level of efficiency they ever have. It is doubtful that they will get worse. Improvements are made. Back at the turn of the century, when you bought some food, you had no clue what you were getting really. Now, you can generally trust the FDA. Bureaucracies do accomplish many good things, and improve our lives in many ways. The reasons they have standard operating procedures is to help the greatest number of people in the fastest way. Unfortunately it isn't everything to everyone. What else do you expect? Someone to come to your door and make all of your problems go away? I'll take a bureaucratic fuckup once in a while for the almost always adequate services they give. I get my fucking mail every single day, and the garbage gets picked up every week. The cops keep my neighborhood safe. Bureaucracies aren't as bad as people will have you believe.

I'm tired of ranting. How many of the above things did we have in the not so distant past? Things are drastically better now than during most of human existance, where you slaved away on a farm for your lord. No art, no music, no philosophy, nothing worthwhile came out of that social system. Modernity has led to great technological advances, and the possibility for leisure time. The problem with modernity is only that people fail to use that time appropriately. But look at all that has been done nonetheless. The last 50 years have seen an incredibly rapid increase technology which shows no signs of slowing down. Modernity is good. That's it for now.
No art, music, philosophy, or anything worthwhile came out of the past social system? What about Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Locke, Rousseau; all the great thinkers and philosophers? The scientific advances of the Maya, Arab, and Chinese civilizations, among others? The pyramids? The Bayeux tapestry? Michaelangelo? Bach? The Renaissance? Do not be so quick to dismiss the accomplishments of the past.

I see your point, and a good point it is, but the issues we face today are vastly different from those faced fifty, a hundred, or a thousand years ago. The monarchs and landlords exploiting and directly controlling their subjects have been replaced by the politicians and CEOs indirectly profiting at the expense of their constituents. The cast is the same; they're just wearing different costumes. Yes, medical science has improved, but there are still millions of people dying of AIDS, malaria and bacterial infections, even millions here in America without healthcare. Yes, I have mail service and garbage collection but there are billions living in poverty around the world, suffering needlessly because humanity as a whole is unwilling to come to a solution.

Just because things may seem better now on the outside does not mean we should settle for less than we deserve.
The artists and thinkers of the past mostly came from the privileged classes. I was arguing that the vast majority of the population was incapable of doing something of artistic merit.

It's not really fair to compare the situation of the working class today to that of long ago. The working class now lives better than the elite of the past.

It's funny you mention malaria. DDT could have wiped out the disease entirely, but that environmentalist bitch wrote that book that led to it being discontinued. As a result, many people died, but hey, at least we saved some animals, right?
Malaria could also be wiped out by nuking everything between the tropics. Doesn't mean it should be done.

It is people like you, who insist that everything is a-ok, relax, no need to worry, that are holding us back.
i think, while new inventions have furthered our living conditions and health; a serious problem we now face is this dependence on the things we've created.

we fool each other into thinking we need this and that, that you can't live without air conditioning and a 2 car garage, when the veritable truth is that a lot of hectic lives running around collecting everything advertised for, would be a lot happier if they had lived a simpler life.
Show me the proof that society is on the verge of collapse. I do not see it. The world can never be a utopia. There have never been fewer problems.

Some people are materialistic. Some people are religious tools. Some are hooked on mindless entertainment. These are all the same, basically. Everyone looks for something that gives their life purpose. For most of recorded history, religion was your purpose. Now we just have more options (and all of those other things are better than religion anyway.) These options do complicate things, but I really don't think they are making life worse. It's still possible for one to not be a slave to any of these things. Individuals choose these things. It's their fault for being shallow and willing to be sheep; not the fault of modern times for giving them the option to do so.
MasterOLightning said:
It's still possible for one to not be a slave to any of these things. Individuals choose these things. It's their fault for being shallow and willing to be sheep; not the fault of modern times for giving them the option to do so.
I'd agree with that statement...

I'm just wary of the future being a place which requires all to comply or be removed from "the system"
You say it yourself, people are simply replacing one empty spiritual/emotional addiction with another. Is that really progress?

I don't even care, I'm arguing for the sake of argument. Life sucks, has always sucked, and will continue to suck. Fuck it.

edit: master - 1, cthulu - 0
I think I would agree with pretty much everything that has been said.

I would agree with Master here when he said "It's still possible for one to not be a slave to any of these things. Individuals choose these things. It's their fault for being shallow and willing to be sheep; not the fault of modern times for giving them the option to do so."
Unfotunately there seem to be rather a lot of sheep around.

I also agree with cthulu when he said, "The question remains as to how we can turn it around. The first step, I believe, is to eradicate the archaic and outmoded belief systems which divide us and blur our vision of reality. Only when we all see the world for what it is can we begin to make true progress."
I believe what is needed is to replace these outdated belief systems, and all forms of beliefs that people derive meaning from, with one that is about achieving real progress for the betterment of mankind. However, I have no idea how we would achieve this.
MasterOLightning said:
Recycling is a huge waste. The only thing positive that comes out of it is make-work jobs. We might as well put those people to work picking up trash off the street, or paying them to build public works. Ever wonder why bums only pick up aluminum cans, and never carry paper, or plastic? There's no money in the other two. We're never going to run out of trees for paper. Can we run out of corn or potatoes? Hell no. Trees are a crop. If you know anything about economies of scale, you'll realize that recycling plastic is not economically optimal, and also harms the environment. People got fucking brainwashed into thinking it was a good idea. We have plenty of landfills. You know what they do at landfills? Bury the crap, then when it decomposes, burn the methane gas and power homes. People aren't as fucking stupid as they seem.

I agree with almost all of your post except what you said here. I don't know what sort of recycling schemes exist in where you like, but all major cities here in Australia have major recycling programs. In fact it's turning into a significant industry which is employing more and more people every year. I'm not sure in what ways recycling plastics hurts the environment as I haven't done the research but I do know that there are certain kinds of plastics that can't actually be reused and some that are now banned from use because they are hazardous. You're right about methane being syphoned off landfills for power production, but not everything in a landfill site decomposes at any significant rate to create methane. Landfill sites are full of all kinds of artificial materials that take centuries to break down. Recycling is only a waste if it isn't done properly.
^ You're right to a degree. It does make more sense for large cities to have programs. But in the suburbs, each has its own program, which I'm sure you can understand, is far from efficient. Out of what I was saying, recycling paper is especially harmful to the environment, as the process of extracting colored ink creates byproducts that don't exist in the production of new paper. Recycling plastic is inefficient economically, as it's more expensive to create a new facility or adapt an old one to recycle, than it is to increase production at a currently existing facility. Recycling is like this: Let's cut our production from making 1,000,000x to 998,000x, and then build a separate factory for the excess 2,000. It doesn't make sense. THe two factories would make more pollution then just the one at full scale production. Although those plastic materials don't decompose well, we have more than enough space to handle them.
cthulufhtagn said:
You say it yourself, people are simply replacing one empty spiritual/emotional addiction with another. Is that really progress?

sounds like a "life as desire" situation to me

The.Donut said:
I think I would agree with pretty much everything that has been said.

I would agree with Master here when he said "It's still possible for one to not be a slave to any of these things. Individuals choose these things. It's their fault for being shallow and willing to be sheep; not the fault of modern times for giving them the option to do so."
Unfotunately there seem to be rather a lot of sheep around.

I also agree with cthulu when he said, "The question remains as to how we can turn it around. The first step, I believe, is to eradicate the archaic and outmoded belief systems which divide us and blur our vision of reality. Only when we all see the world for what it is can we begin to make true progress."
I believe what is needed is to replace these outdated belief systems, and all forms of beliefs that people derive meaning from, with one that is about achieving real progress for the betterment of mankind. However, I have no idea how we would achieve this.

yes, (im going to refer to your second paragraph) but then when are we able to discern when or which thought process' are to be discredited? especially when we all hold a natural bias - almost all people will generally try to destroy something that threatens their very views of existance. its known that a cornered animal can be the fiercest enemy you face......what makes that different for humans? would you argue a cognisant consciousness, the ability to realize the very things we are trying to understand? we cant even say other living things arent doing this yet! gov and religious organizations will always be bent on overshadowing the "freedoms" of others because the general populace that called for them do not care to keep up with everything else they must immerse themselves in. truly it is hard to even remotely fathom an idea on how to fix this.but i suppose this is why nations are different....i would prefer the company of like minded people myself over most of my fellow countrymen anyday - progress and betterment all differ on who you are talking too
MasterOLightning said:
The artists and thinkers of the past mostly came from the privileged classes. I was arguing that the vast majority of the population was incapable of doing something of artistic merit.

What have they done in the intervening years that's so important or meritorious?
cthulufhtagn said:
No art, music, philosophy, or anything worthwhile came out of the past social system? What about Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Locke, Rousseau; all the great thinkers and philosophers? The scientific advances of the Maya, Arab, and Chinese civilizations, among others? The pyramids? The Bayeux tapestry? Michaelangelo? Bach? The Renaissance? Do not be so quick to dismiss the accomplishments of the past.

I see your point, and a good point it is, but the issues we face today are vastly different from those faced fifty, a hundred, or a thousand years ago. The monarchs and landlords exploiting and directly controlling their subjects have been replaced by the politicians and CEOs indirectly profiting at the expense of their constituents. The cast is the same; they're just wearing different costumes. Yes, medical science has improved, but there are still millions of people dying of AIDS, malaria and bacterial infections, even millions here in America without healthcare. Yes, I have mail service and garbage collection but there are billions living in poverty around the world, suffering needlessly because humanity as a whole is unwilling to come to a solution.

Just because things may seem better now on the outside does not mean we should settle for less than we deserve.

Excellent comments. If anyone is interested, Oswald Spengler wrote a once influential book Called The Decline of the West after WWI. In it, he compared the histories of a variety of different cultures and their declines to the West, and concluded we are at the end of our present culture/belief/political structure. Of course, he first thought we would enter a period of what he called Caesarism in which politics would overwhelm money. At the time, he clearly thought the Nazis represented the final end of Western culture. Unfortunately he died in 1936.

Cthulufhtagn: he thought the great thinkers appeared at the beginning of the culture, the great artists at the middle, and money and decadent civilization finished the cycle. Its a highly interesting mix of history and culture, Nietszche, classical philosophy, math and science, Hegel, and Goethe.

Its a highly interesting book--in fact I believe Kissinger forced Nixon to read it. I highly recommend everyone to at least read the chapers on the State, and Money.