mofo terrorists at it again


Apr 18, 2005
In a bar
A suspected suicide bomber was shot dead on the London Underground today.
Scotland Yard said: "We can confirm that just after 10am armed officers entered Stockwell Tube station.
"A man was challenged by officers and subsequently shot. London Ambulance Service attended the scene. He was pronounced dead at the scene."
Passengers evacuated from the station described seeing armed police chasing a suspect before opening fire.
There were unconfirmed reports that police believe the man who was shot was one of the attackers involved in yesterday's incidents.
Witness Mark Whitby, speaking to BBC News 24, reported the man was shot five times at close range after he had jumped on a train.
The train was standing in the station with its doors open when the Asian man ran on, pursued by three plain clothes officers. He tripped and was also pushed to the floor and one of the officers shot him five times.
A large area around Stockwell Tube Station, an interchange for the Northern and Victoria lines in south London, was cordoned off and traffic approaching the area ground to a halt.
An ambulance and several police cars were also at the scene and sirens were heard blaring in every direction.
Tube services on the Victoria and Northern lines were suspended following a request by the police, London Underground said.

Dont fuck with London.....we will get you before you get us mofos :hotjump:
If this guy wasn't a terrorist of any kind I reckon the shit is going to hit the fan for the Met big time. I mean, shooting someone in the back once is kind of shocking but five times!

If he was a suicide bomber then good riddance... I would have stabbed him five times never mind shot!
Seemingly he had a big jacket on at the time....... I aint heard much about it but if a group of plain clothed people came towards me, one of which with a gun, i'd certainly run.
This was on MSN:

"NBC News and news services
Updated: 8:58 a.m. ET July 22, 2005
LONDON - Police shot and killed a man wearing a thick coat at a London subway station Friday, a day after the city was hit by its second wave of terrorist attacks in two weeks.

The man died after being shot by officers at the Stockwell subway station in south London, police said.

Passengers said the man, described as South Asian, raised suspicion wearing a winter coat in the heat of summer. Most said he wore a backpack, according to Reuters, reminding many of images of the four suicide bombers behind both the July 7 and Thursday's attacks.

Witnesses said he ran onto a train at Stockwell station, police chased him, he tripped, and police then shot him.

"They pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. He's dead," witness Mark Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp. "He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified."

Another witness spoke of the scene just outside the station.

"I was about to go in when I saw a lot of people coming out. They looked shocked. There was a bit of panic. The guy I spoke to said, 'I've just seen someone shot'," said Andrew Wajnowski, 18, a part-time kitchen boy.

"I saw three people shoot at an Asian guy who was wearing a rucksack."

Police said the man was a suspect in the attacks at Thursday lunchtime that caused chaos but killed no one in an apparently failed bid to repeat suicide bombings which killed 52 two weeks earlier.

Alistair Drummond, of the London Ambulance Service, said paramedics had been called to the station at 10:10 a.m.

Service on the Northern and Victoria Tube lines, which pass through Stockwell, was suspended because of the shooting, British Transport Police said. Stockwell is one station away from the Oval station, which was affected by Thursday's attacks."

Based on this article and the other one posted, the guy sounds very suspicious to me. Why run if you are innocent and why are you wearing a winter coat in the summer? That's one of the things that they tell you to look for.

Wouldn´t wanna joke with the London police these days. They´re pretty nervous, it seems.

A Danish fella took the prize today, for being the stupidest man on earth!
At the check-in at Copenhagen Airport, he said he had a bomb, but when police came he said it was just a joke. They didn´t laugh!!!
Miltbrand said:
Wouldn´t wanna joke with the London police these days. They´re pretty nervous, it seems.

A Danish fella took the prize today, for being the stupidest man on earth!
At the check-in at Copenhagen Airport, he said he had a bomb, but when police came he said it was just a joke. They didn´t laugh!!!

jesus tap dancing christ....i cant believe there are retards that think this sort of "joke" is fucking funny...the guy obviously needed some hot anal action to say he had a fuckin bomb....since 9/11 anyone fuckin about like that deserves a cavity search imo.....and make it deep (yay....finally managed to get a SP quote on this board!)
i don't get the shooting at all, if he was a suspect and being monitored why wait till he got to the tube station to do anything?!?!?

n if he was on the ground with 3 plain clothes guys on him, why kill him?!?!? not a great plan for finding out info like where the others are thats fer sure.......

in all honesty i dont know who to be more afraid of, the terrorists or the police, shoot to kill is a fuckin frightening power to have, esp for the meatheads in the london police, i know their jobs sucks.....but it doesnt make me feel any safer.........suddenly i feel compulsory id cards, and on the spot searches are going to be very easy to pass through...............
lokey said:
i don't get the shooting at all, if he was a suspect and being monitored why wait till he got to the tube station to do anything?!?!?

n if he was on the ground with 3 plain clothes guys on him, why kill him?!?!? not a great plan for finding out info like where the others are thats fer sure.......

in all honesty i dont know who to be more afraid of, the terrorists or the police, shoot to kill is a fuckin frightening power to have, esp for the meatheads in the london police, i know their jobs sucks.....but it doesnt make me feel any safer.........suddenly i feel compulsory id cards, and on the spot searches are going to be very easy to pass through...............

in all fairness they are exercising their new powers handed down to must suck to have a tan these days in london, and wearing a backpack...i also think they wouldnt have carried this out without reasonable cause....i mean...if a bunch of people are coming upto me waving guns around shouting "police" sure i wouldnt run unless i had reason to...from what Ive heard...they gave him the chance to give up...he ran....must have had something to a bunch of wires stickin out from his what else would u think....he maybe an electrician on his way to a job...not likely...
As of this morning, NYC cops or the transit cops, not sure which, are allowed to search you if you carry a backpack or bag, when boarding a train or a bus. And if you refuse, you aren't allowed on the train or bus. I'm personally all for it. It may be an inconvenience but I'm ok with that. Of course a local DJ said that if you want to blow something up and you have a bomb in your backpack, what's to stop you from blowing it up sooner, even if you can't make your target. That's probably true but I guess if they blow it up before they get to the train, they'll be less damage or less casualties? I don't know. I do like how London seems to have all these guys on film and hopefully that will happen here soon enough. I don't mind a false sense of security. Being so close, I'm willing to live with that.

moral of the story, if someone tells you to stop, you stop!!:cool:

I don't mind if anyone searches me as I have nothing to hide.

when someone can quickly set off a bomb on his self AND runs from you, I am sorry but good riddance.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
If this guy wasn't a terrorist of any kind I reckon the shit is going to hit the fan for the Met big time. I mean, shooting someone in the back once is kind of shocking but five times!

If he was a suicide bomber then good riddance... I would have stabbed him five times never mind shot!

its amazing once shit hits the fan how much they can work out,fucking lucky that only detonatore went off in latest attack,time to get tough,lets hope australia gets even tougher before we get fucked over.
Again from

"LONDON - Police said Saturday that a man shot and killed on a subway car had nothing to do with an investigation into a series of bombing attacks Thursday on London's transit system.

The shooting Friday took place at a subway station in the southern London neighborhood of Stockwell.

Scotland Yard said in a statement that "the man was unconnected to the incidents of Thursday 21 July."

It added that the man, who has not yet been identified, was "probably unconnected" to the first bombings on July 7.

"For somebody to lose their life in such circumstances is a tragedy and one that the Metropolitan Police Service regrets," a spokesman said. He spoke anonymously, as is police practice.

Reaction from U.K. Muslims
A spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, Azzam Tamimi, said that "people will be afraid to walk the streets now, to take the tube.

"I feared that we'd arrive at this conclusion," he told the British Broadcasting Corp. "To give license to people to shoot someone dead like that on the basis of suspicion is very frightening."

"The problem in this particular incident is that the person seems to be colored, seems to be Asian. Now he can be of any religion, from any roots or region. this will cause a great anxiety and concern," Tamimi said.

The man, described as being a South Asian, had emerged from a nearby house that was under surveillance because of a suspected link to Thursday's attempted attacks on three subway trains and a public bus. According to police, he was followed by officers.

At the station, he was challenged by police and asked to stop and witnesses said he ran into a subway car where officers shot him about five times at point blank range.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair had said Friday that the shooting was "directly linked" to anti-terror operations.

However, in an announcement, Scotland Yard said that "we believe we now know the identity of the man shot at Stockwell Underground station by police on Friday, July 22, although he is still subject to formal identification. We are now satisfied that he was not connected with the incidents of Thursday, July 21, 2005."

It added that "the man emerged from a block of flats in the Stockwell area that were under police surveillance as part of the investigation into the incidents on Thursday, July 21.

"He was then followed by surveillance officers to the underground station. His clothing and behavior added to their suspicions.

"The circumstances that led to the man's death are being investigated by officers from the Metropolitan Police Directorate of Professional Standards..."

One witness to the killing, Mark Whitby, said that as that he saw the man as he entered the subway car.

"The man got on the train I looked at his face. He looked from left to right, but he basically looked like a cornered rabbit, like a cornered fox. He looked absolutely petrified. He sort of tripped but they were hotly pursuing him and couldn't have been more than two or three feet behind him at this time. They unloaded five shots into him. I saw it. He's dead, five shots, he's dead," Whitby said."

I still think he had to have been up to no good because if the cops tell you to stop, you stop. Why would you run? Doesn't make sense. I don't think that the racial profiling is going to help though, either. Remember the guy from California? He probably is the rarity, but it shows it can be anyone.

Of course not. But this isn't a regular, every day situation either. It was the day after bombings and I'm sure the police were doing what they were instructed to it. It's a shame but common sense would say not to run from the cops - period. And he was shot 5 times, not 3.

If you're from Brazil, believe me, you'll need a thick jacket to endure an English summer. If you're in Brixton, and a bunch of yobs come charging after you shouting, you'd better start running. These were PLAIN CLOTHES cops. Are you seriously telling me that amid sky-high fears of race attacks on non-whites, you would just stop and see what happened next? I'm white, and I would have run a mile. And if their guns were visible, I would DEFINITELY not have stuck around. Wires hanging from him? Dude, he was an electrician. Personally, my dangling wires come from my iPod, just like most other commuters. This innocent guy was ON THE FLOOR when he was shot in the head five times. "Oh, but he got on the train - maybe he was about to blow it up". The cops just watched him get on a bus 10 minutes earlier, and didn't do a damned thing.

Many people have said that the bombings are terrifying, but that they won't let them change their behaviour. The minute you stop taking the bus or the underground, the bombers have won.

Well this shooting is terrifying, but it won't change my behaviour. The minute you stop wearing comfortable clothes or running, the cops have won.