"Mokafix Audio store is now closed"


Anssi Tenhunen
Online Shop is closed
Monday, 20 September 2010

Dear users,

Mokafix Audio store is now closed.

It's been a real pleasure to work on these plugins, and your recognition was really appreciated.

All the best,

Efflam, if you are reading this... If you are not going to re-open the store, how about letting out the plug-ins for free?
I was pleasantly pissed about this... i was listening to all kinds of demos on his site and searching around for clips, which were pretty damned awesome (cream tube), then I went on his site to buy it and that was a day or two after they closed the online store. Tears everywhere, lol.
Sorry, I know this is an old thread...

The link to the BassRider download page appears to be missing, but it is actually still available if you add "-download" into the URL:


Edit: nevermind, it's just the download page for the demo

