@Notuern and ShallowEulogy : I sort of recognize myself in your "disorders" even if I don't feel it being so much of a trouble but a strong part of personnality.............................And in other things, I'm the contrary and friends laugh at that part of me because it's funny sometimes.
Do you feel some of that things too ?
I never thought it was much of a trouble either.. didnt care shit when i got my diagnose, i mean, its just a name of the type of person i am, so who cares?
99,9% of the people i meet would never guess i have any disorder at all, but i also do have the "lightest degree" of Asperger.. basically, im more normal then "sick".
Well, swapping interests is one thing i really do allot.. like when i started playing Insurgency(HL2 mod) about a year ago, i almost quit music, and got recruited in to what became the #1 Insurgency clan.
Then i slowly got back in to recording and now i dont play INS at all any more.
And i dont know what you mean by details, but allot of people dislikes me because i remember almost anything i have ever looked up, so whenever an argument arises i almost never admit "defeat".
This made a few people who knew me to basically stop talking to me, because they thought that i couldn't admit i was wrong, ever.. which depended on the fact that they always where wrong!

I never argue about things i dont know much about, because its just stupid, but when im 100% sure about something, i wont budge.
So in some perspective, this might be a problem stemming from my disorder, but if people dont like who i am, they can go fuck a donkey.
it's just I feel sometimes special, but I don't know if it's just me who would like to, and that I'm normal !
I do not understand this part, sorry. ;X
(after some reading) I'm not touched by the Asperfer Syndrom, not really. I am not hypersensitive, have no elocution pb. Just that it sometimes interfere with my social life, but never a lot. I may miss going out with friends once sometimes but it's not general. It seems I'd rather have some light characteristics of it. It seems to be considered as a ligjt syndrom anyway
Yeah, hypersensitivity is one thing i suffer from.. it really sucks.
I dont feel any anxiety or something like that, which most hypersensitive people do.. but if i meet allot of new people in a new environment, i will be tired as f*ck afterwards.
Like yesterday, i was at my cousins(Johan Örnborg) studio(
http://www.studiomega.se), some Black Metal band from the Netherlands was there, allot of kewl equipment & rooms to drool over.. when i came home i went to bed, didnt set any alarm clocks or anything: Slept for 14 hours.