Monitor_Speaker Switcher


New Metal Member
Sep 24, 2003
Andy and all...

I am looking into the Yamaha ns-10 m's and am wondering what speaker or monitor switcher to use. I looked at the Bryston amps and I do not see a way to hook them up to a switch with XLR outs. I have 824's currently, so I would have one active set and one passive set going to the switch.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the replies. The central station looks good. I broke down and got a pair of Yamaha HS-50's. They sound pretty cool. We'll see how they finally work out once I have given them a serious workout.


I just had an idea and I want to run it by someone first... If I were to buy a Presonus Central Station, would it be possible to route one of the outputs to the aux inputs on the back of a Sony 5-disc CD player/radio/tape player stereo that I haven't touched for a couple years? I've been thinking that I'd like to set up the Sony again to use as another source to judge my mixes, but it would be even cooler if I could do that without having to burn a CD. Is there going to be some huge problem in level difference if I hooked up the stereo to the Presonus? If not, wouldn't it just be a matter of having two 1/4 cables run out of the Presonus, cutting off the other ends of the cables, and then physically connecting those bare ends into the corresponding hot and cold aux inputs of the stereo?
you should of held out on the ns10s

i just mixed on em properly for the first time the other day, and by god are they incredible
you should of held out on the ns10s

i just mixed on em properly for the first time the other day, and by god are they incredible

I'm just about to leave to go pick mine up from the post office, since I missed the delivery on Saturday and then yesterday was MLK Day. I can't wait to try 'em!

I read something about how the earlier speakers have a 7 dB peak at like 2k or 2.5k or something, though...and there's an easy mod that can be done to fix it or something? Do your speakers have a noticeable peak, or is it something that I don't even have to worry about, or...? Anyone?
not mine i have to say
i mixed at a friends studio
also mixed on adam p22s
similarly amazing
and so easy on the ears
fuck mackie 824s... cant believe i used too swear by them
they suck
i went to guitar center and tryed like 15 diffrent pair of monitors and i also thought the mackie 824 did not sound all that. The event asp8speakers were just mind blowing though and i will someday get me a pair:headbang: Id also like to hear a pair of ns10 myself i just read that if you can make your mix sound good on ns10 it will sound good anywere.

Let me know what you think of them Arron....:headbang:
i went to guitar center and tryed like 15 diffrent pair of monitors and i also thought the mackie 824 did not sound all that. The event asp8speakers were just mind blowing though and i will someday get me a pair:headbang: Id also like to hear a pair of ns10 myself i just read that if you can make your mix sound good on ns10 it will sound good anywere.

Let me know what you think of them Arron....:headbang:

the events asp8's are great, im loving them hear.

ns10's are great too. i dont even mind the sound of them at all. the first time i worked on them, i was prepared to hear a really harsh speaker. that wasnt the case at all. i think they are sweet to mix on, along with something that has more low end. im hoping to add some ns10s or adams as a second ste of monitors.
i went to guitar center and tryed like 15 diffrent pair of monitors and i also thought the mackie 824 did not sound all that. The event asp8speakers were just mind blowing though and i will someday get me a pair:headbang: ..:headbang:

Dude, those ASP8s are sooooooo good. Definitely pick those up. I used to have the Event tr8xls, and I used to think those were good. The asp8s are, by far, my fav piece of gear. I havn't found a retailer yet for the ns10s, Where do y'all buy em?
yeah same as..
its not a case of ns10s being so terrible that its a struggle to mix on them,
theyre just very very unflattering and revealing. yet stangelk nice

switch from your main moniters to ns10s and it makes you go

"shit wheres the kick, snare and bass gone"
adjust accordinhly, switch back to your mains... and

"god damn im good"