Monitoring audio input (8Pre/Cubase SX)


Jan 10, 2005
Before when I was using my MobilePre I had no problems monitoring the input source while recording. For example, using a PODxt you kinda need to hear it when playing, right? So all I would have to do is plug it into my MP and you could hear it. Now that I have started putting together a rig again I bought the 8Pre. Now I've gone through all of the preferences that exist in Cubase, and looked through the 8Pre manual/CueMix program and can't figure out why I'm not able to hear the input source. It should be as easy as plugging a mic/instrument in, turning the gain up and you can hear it. Like with my MP. But this is not the case. I see an input signal on the track in Cubase, and the meters on the 8Pre are bouncing like normal. Just can't hear it until after it's recorded. This is definitely not the most ideal situation.

Anyone have any ideas? Maybe I missed something in the prefs for Cubase? CueMix also does not show any input signal on the meter for some reason, even though the 8Pre's meters do. I just can't figure it out. Help!

Will start with the obvious, but I'm assuming you have the "monitor" (little speaker icon) selected in the channel strip for the armed track in Cubase?

If you're getting meter movement in cubase and the output routings are correct, I can't see why it wouldn't work.

edit: glad you're sorted :)
Yeah, CueMix has all the inputs at -inf by default. I set them all to unity (0db) and now I can monitor inputs.

I even stared at CueMix for quite a while, going through any menus, etc. It's usually the simplest things that throw people off, especially me. :lol:

I had an even worse "blonde" moment on the weekend as I had a similar issue and couldn't for the life of me work out why my reamp box wasn't working. I was just about to start pulling my rack to bits and then realised I'd forgot to plug it into the amp.
To answer HeadCrusher's question: Basically I didn't realize that CueMix had authority over input monitoring, which I should have since I used it with my 828mkII a while back. Basically, CueMix is like the mixer for the interface, and all the channel levels were set to -inf (basically -60-something dB) in that software, so at that point I couldn't monitor anything. It was "muting" the input from being monitored. If that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn't I'm kinda wasted at the mo'. So once I set all the channels in CueMix to unity (0dB) I could suddenly hear input sources! It was like one of those moments. Plus I slapped myself in the head and went "doh!". I can'tt ell if I'm making any sense right now so I'll stop here.
