Cubase SX 3 monitoring


Oct 6, 2007
Madeira - Portugal
I'm used to Audition 2 to recorde some guitar stuff and it's easy to change the monitor options. In this case (cubase) I can't listen while I'm recording just after. I'm using m-audio fast track to record guitar and I'd like to listen while recording with amplitube and impulses. Any help? I already look at preferences but I can´t find anything.

It's the button above the record button on the mixer section of the track that you want to monitor. It looks like a speaker, turn it gold. You are trying to monitor the plugins on the guitar, but not actually record their effect, right? I'm a little confused on your situation.
Yes, I'm trying to monitor the plugins on the guitar, but not actually record their effect. I already turn the speaker on but change nothing. I don't listen any signal before recording, not even the clean guitar sound, just after :(
Ok so you've set the input channel right, so take the plugins you want and use them as insert effects, tweak them however you want, set them on and and push the monitor button until it's gold, after that you should here a sound, even if you're not recording.
I use Cubase SX3, too and it works for me like that, playing throug Wagner Sharp all the time that way. You have to push the monitor button again to listen to the recorded stuff, so no monitoring avaibale while you're listening to you're stuff. Only if you play through the plugins on another track, so the original recorded track is able to use the plugins and there is no "double-use" of them.