Monitors Placement?


Dec 30, 2008

Everybody use their monitors angled. I place my monitors like in the image and I'm getting a better stereo image. Have anyone tried placing the monitors this way?
You aren't. The higher the frequency coming from the speakers, the more directional it's nature is. When you have your monitors set up like that, you're actually shooting the sound by your ears, not into them.

You should set your monitors up so your head and the monitors form an equilateral triangle. Do a google search on "monitor placement" to find shitloads of information on why exactly it is the ideal positioning.
You aren't. The higher the frequency coming from the speakers, the more directional it's nature is. When you have your monitors set up like that, you're actually shooting the sound by your ears, not into them.

You should set your monitors up so your head and the monitors form an equilateral triangle. Do a google search on "monitor placement" to find shitloads of information on why exactly it is the ideal positioning.

This :)
You aren't. The higher the frequency coming from the speakers, the more directional it's nature is. When you have your monitors set up like that, you're actually shooting the sound by your ears, not into them.

You should set your monitors up so your head and the monitors form an equilateral triangle. Do a google search on "monitor placement" to find shitloads of information on why exactly it is the ideal positioning.

This, and if you ever get to see (hear?) a live line array system in use and get to go behind it, you'll know why.
You aren't. The higher the frequency coming from the speakers, the more directional it's nature is. When you have your monitors set up like that, you're actually shooting the sound by your ears, not into them.

You should set your monitors up so your head and the monitors form an equilateral triangle. Do a google search on "monitor placement" to find shitloads of information on why exactly it is the ideal positioning.

Actually the claim in the op is not very far off. You are generally instructed to place the monitors in even 60 degree angle triangle pointing at your ears when listening to music for the nice stereo image. I was instructed by Tipi Tuovinen to place the monitor so that they are a shooting a bit off from your ears when creating music by either making the triangle larger or turning the monitors a bit wider, but the point is the get the sweetspot just a bit behind you, because the stereo image is clearer and wider sounding that way and it's pretty nice because if you then want to go to the sweetspot, just go a few feet back. I had scribbled something like this in my notebook:

Actually the claim in the op is not very far off. You are generally instructed to place the monitors in even 60 degree angle triangle pointing at your ears when listening to music for the nice stereo image. I was instructed by Tipi Tuovinen to place the monitor so that they are a shooting a bit off from your ears when creating music by either making the triangle larger or turning the monitors a bit wider, but the point is the get the sweetspot just a bit behind you, because the stereo image is clearer and wider sounding that way and it's pretty nice because if you then want to go to the sweetspot, just go a few feet back. I had scribbled something like this in my notebook:


Fair enough, and I might be completely off here as always, but I've been told by countless other engineers what I already stated. Actually, even the high-end Genelec manuals agree, and I wouldn't say 8050's are exactly designed for casual listening.

And even if I was horribly wrong, the OP's straight-facing setup is still pretty far away from what you described :)
Obv. the OPs setup would give a wider stereo image, but surely that could be achieved by simply increasing the distance between the monitors with them still facing towards you? Or does it not work like that?
the point is the get the sweetspot just a bit behind you

That's how I was told to set up monitors too - can't remember who told me, but it's what I've always done and it works for me.

The idea that you're somehow "shooting sound past your ears" by having your monitors perpendicular is a bit silly though - our ears are shaped like they are precisely so that they collect sounds going past them. Very little sound in the real world is aimed directly into the ear canal.

As far as I can make out, the reason for aiming monitors toward your ears is to lessen the effect of reflections as much as possible. Regardless of the actual reasons and science behind it, pointing them just behind your head is a compromise between the ideal of having them strapped to the sides of your face, and the more realistic set up of having them perpendicular that most people at home will be using. Like I said, it works for me.
