Monstrously Low Tide


Aug 18, 2002
ah, my favorite motW song.

What I need to know is, who wrote the lyrics? Was it Toby or Byron?

"Aeons can hide the relics of forgotten Gods
But showeth me thy treasures,
And I will always look thereon
I will always look with love thereon."
Originally posted by Demonspell
A perfect ending to the albums. Whereas Blue Ghost sounds like it was recorded while floating in an empty sky, Low Tide sounds like the depths of the ocean...

Well put. For me though, the song never quite goes into the ocean, it kind of wavers by the shore, some kind of pristine beach, the guitars lulled into echoes and pulses for an extended cadence. You'd think you were dead or, recurrently, a part of nature. The End.

-- I wouldn't have been surprised if the lyricist were Toby.
