Motw lyrics.


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Bitterness is all god hath created,
A proud king among the failures of dreams,
I believe one love could be worth a life,
For life I would have burnt myself away,
For nothing, life has left me burning alone... (awwww)


:cry: Such touching lyrics, amazing performance from Maria.


I am a swan's wing, bloodied at the joint,
And pasted to a boy's back, like in that story,
You waved to me from a mountain as I slipped away,
Dimming into rust-lit winters with a burning apple branch.

This bit makes me feel all gooey inside. For some reason that swan's wing lyric has always stuck in my mind...what story!? Someone tell me! Very awesome lyrics...but so cryptic! :wah:


My favourite lyrics on the double release-

Anon, with each pronunciation,
Banners were smouldering, then dying,
And burning my intestines,
Taking away, alas,
All that kept me alive!

ALSO, from the same song-

But what hurts me is that
You've slobbered filthily,
O'er the delicate lips of a delicate girl
And I shall announce what you are!

I love the 'Anon, with each pronunciation! line'. And the slobbered filthily announcing bit is pure gold.

Gleam In Ranks really has some of the best lyrics I've ever read, even though I still just fail to grasp the overall meaning of them. Maudlin of the Well has such incredibly cryptic lyrics. I know it is a completely lame thing to ask for how to figure them out, but I'll ask anyways. What are they about? Hehe. They sound very cool nonetheless, much cooler than many other bands can manage. Oh, and Bizarre Flowers - A Violent Mist has incredibly lush imagery:

Forlorn, dreary secret ghosts,
That hide between the twilit trees,
Doth gaze upon the spores that gleam,
They only know the floral dream...

Just beautiful!

But my favourite lyrics of ALL TIME, EVER, are the ones to Catharsis of Sea-Sleep...the images conjured are so absolutely stunning that it makes me feel like I am underwater. Really, really brilliant stuff...better than most poetry I've ever read.

Copy -> paste =

In my dreams I see no nearer god.
The waves that move,
They pierce my drifting soul.
With want I reach in vain to grasp the sun
As off it falls beneath the dancing fields
And paints fore'er this spout-girt majesty!

O, slimy things!
I yearn to hear you sing from depths as deep as stars doth shine
From realms of light above.
I wish to hear thee sing!
O, ammonite with aeon-closed eye!
Speak to me in water-tongues
And grant to me the eyesight you once saw
The Sea-gods with!

My voyage as above, so below
Upon a dreaming ship I sail
Upon my life I conjure they whom no dry eyes have seen
Since sleep hath stolen over forms and sunken temples built
By gods themselves!
Alone I embark for cities immersed In depths of thought and caverns full of dreams!

What corals dress this city fallen?
What the magick language lost one-thousand leagues?
Nightmare! Come, and speak to me
From beneath the waves that rock young ships
To slumber sweet Gods, caress me with thy chthonic hands
Steep my mind with the beauty of a vision-world
And bury me in temples where my soul
Can e'er explore these realms of madness submerged!


Sorry, this board just needs a fanboy injection. Bring on the new album, I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D :wave:
I just want to point out that I love the delivery of the lines, "For life I would have burned myself away/For nothing, life has left me burning alone." Specifically the ends of both lines.
Man, by the time I actually get to hear Wayfarer in its entirety, I'm going to have it hyped up so much in my mind that it'll have to be the best song ever to live up. Oh well... about a month more to wait, if I'm lucky.
The best are Stones of October's Sobbing. I used them for a class presentation, it was sweet because I also played Interlude 4 and people really liked it and thought it was cool. Hehe. They all thought I was going to play some death metal but they were wrong. And Monstrously Low Tide has second best lyrics. And Azure-Lidded World. And many more. Too many to list.
VangelicSurgeon said:

good post by static wtf

OMGWTF!! :ill:

1000000000 posts and this is my first one! Here's to 1 or 2 more in my next 5000 posts or so. Wish I had a normal smart brain so that all my posts were as spamriffic as ol' V-Surgeons. :erk: (possibly sarcasm! possibly!)

I think Static has slightly worse rapping than me.
You are the first one to ever insult my rapping like that! I hate you! :yell:

(not really...look closely, I changed your post in my quote! don't tell anyone...)