Moody Blues

I have all the LP's they released from 1967 to 1972! I was told that their first LP was released in 1966 and a guy showed it to me on cd, but I haven't been able to find any info on it, not even on their official website. :confused:
I also have an EP from 1965. I think it's just called "Moody blues" and it has four songs: "Go now!", "Loose your money", "I don't want to go on without you" & "Steal you heart away".
My favorite song of theirs is "When you're a free man" from "Seventh sojourn" from 1972 and my favorite record of theirs is "On the threshold of a dream", especially side 2, which is kind of spooky.
I think some of their songs is good and a lot of their songs is just kind of mediocre or okay, but usually gets skipped.
I also have Mike Pinder's "The promise", but after 3-4 listens I still don't know if I'll keep it. I was kind of estatic when I found the record, as I think Mike Pinder writes most of their good songs, but then again this was 1976 and by then bands that made good music in the 60's had turned to crap (or more or less crap that is).