Moonsorrow 2011 release(Discussion)

I honestly tried to order this c-d/shirt package the other day and my CC company wouldn't allow it.I don't know if it was because it was down at the time or they didn't trust the European website. This and new Burzum are so hard to find in America. I would own every Moonsorrow album by now if I could find them.
Im a shameless pirate myself, have about 50 gigs worth of music downloaded, something like 30 PC games and I used to have a lot of movies too. I've bought only like 2 - 3 albums in the past but I think I might start buying them more now with so many great releases coming.
Just uploaded the Tähdetön song if someone wants to hear it;

(Recorded it from Ylex Areena so the quality isnt the best)

Its 720p btw
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Sure does sound good old Moonsorrow. Sound is desperate and apocalyptic yet epic. It reminds me of V: Hävitetty and melancholic parts from Verisäkeet. This album is gonna come same time with the Turisas' Stand Up And Fight. We'll see which one is better.
The albums out now in the UK. Just downloaded it (im gonna buy it later though), and i'll listen to it in a moment. Anyone heard it yet?
Got it today at HMV. I enjoyed it, maybe not quite as much as Verisakeet or Havitetty though. Last two songs are absolute class :worship:
In my previous post I told you how it's gonna be hard to compare Moonsorrow's new and Turisas' new material. I've made my decisions.

Turisas has gotten themselves too far away from their classy style of battle metal and sounds like movie music now. I feel disappointed.

But Moonsorrow has grown dark and epic. I like the apocalyptic atmosphere in Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa. Every second song is there just for atmosphere: you can hear different kind of sounds of a lonely, destroyed ruin of a world. I consider this as a concept album where everything is made for the same whole story. It's not as folky as Hävitetty but sure has the same great style I waited to hear from Moonsorrow again. It sounds cold and dark yet very epic. Lyrics haven't opened for me yet, have to keep on listening.
Sorry bro. I dont want to hear a camp fire crackling for four minutes.
I laughed pretty hard when I read this! I love the entire album, Viides Luku: Havitetty actually.. even the crackling campfire is nice.

I think this album will definitely be up there with Havitetty!