Moonsorrow 2011 release(Discussion)

Havitetty was boring. My fave is still Voimasta, probably because it was my first.

Voimasta, Kivenkantaja and Verisakeet is all the Moonsorrow anyone needs.
Yeah agreed, they are the best. Not that I find Havitetty boring, it's interesting at times, but I very much prefer the "other" Moonsorrow. Voimasta is their best.
Hävitetty is definitely their best. Though the next album will have 7 songs so the tracks arent going to be that long.
We talked to ville about it at the show last year. they were writing the first song of the album and it was shaping up to be another half hour epic. I'm excited about the album but voimasta fans should probably pass this one up.
We talked to ville about it at the show last year. they were writing the first song of the album and it was shaping up to be another half hour epic. I'm excited about the album but voimasta fans should probably pass this one up.


Nice, I suppose its gonna be more like the Tulimyrsky EP then, one long song and many shorter songs.
Im excited for this, and looking forward to hearing it. No chance I buy it though. Too many better alums coming this year that I have to save for.
Some Finnish radio station played one new song from the album, if anyone wants to hear it;

[ame=]Part 1[/ame]
[ame=]Part 2[/ame]

I think its the 'Huuto' song