Moonwarriors Promotional Flyers


Author Of Moonwarriors
Greetings everyone,

I am about to be published for the first time. The publishing company is sending out promotional flyers announcing the book's arrival. If any of you should wish to receive a copy, e-mail or private message me your mailing address. I'm typing a list up for them so they may send whoever is on it a flyer. Thanks for your interest.
Oh yeah, Steve, I need yours too, dude! :grin:

Ayeka said:

Hey Man,

You haven't heard? Well, my book Moonwarriors has been accepted. And I am trying to find ppl who would be interested in reading it. If your interested in reading it check out the Moonwarriors thread from 12/11/03. PM me your address and the publishing company will mail you a flyer when it is available. I am typing up a list of addresses and I am trying to reach 100 addresses. I am at 10. I have a month to do this.

Later Dude,
Just caught the thread...missed it first time round. I'm onto it! And I know one or two other people who might be interested too...