Morbid Angel Wtf!?!?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Or should I say what the fuck is going on with Morbid Angel?

No tour, no album, no news in quite some time. Anybody know what's going on with them?

NP: King Crimson - the ProjeKcts
That might have to do with the fact Erik is still touring on King of All Kings..don't worry..they'll be back.
There have been some rumors of Davind Vincent returning ... i do think that these might be just that though ... rumours!

He will never be able to live down the pantyhose and lipstick of the Genitorturers
the_dying said:
Morbid Angel aren't what they used to be. "Blessed are the sick" and "Domination" are both great albums. The rest is NOT. Lave shit, lava love, lava blah blah...

Hahaha oh my God you just said the most stupid fucking thing I have ever read!! You aim to tell me that Covenant isn't a great album?! Open your fucking ears and get educated before you say some stupid bullshit like that. Altars of Madness, Covenant, Abominations of Desolation, Entangled in Chaos and Gateways ALL own you...period.
lurch70 said:
There have been some rumors of Davind Vincent returning ... i do think that these might be just that though ... rumours!

He will never be able to live down the pantyhose and lipstick of the Genitorturers
I don't care if he cut off his johnson, his return would be VERY welcomed!

All Morbid Angel owns, how can anyone who loves one of them not love them all? :flame:

Thanks for the replies, we still don't know quite what the fuck though... :grin:

NP: Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
trey and the drummer (i forget his name) are in th studio recording a new album. they are going to record vocals and bass later. they are talking to an unamed guitarist and bass player. i guess we will here more soon
I don't care if he cut off his johnson, his return would be VERY welcomed!


I am with you on this one though .... to me Vincent era MA is the best and he was irreplaceable!
i hope the new album is more uptempo than gateways. They usually mix things up album to album so I personally have high hopes for another formulas-esque masterpiece. I heard from someone that the new album was going to be a mix of covenant/formulas/altars. How reliable this is, I dont know-- he said he heard it from someone close to trey. i think the david vincent thing is a big rumour, i mean, he looks "happy" with the genitorturers.. blegh..

i heard steve tucker might come back, since rutan is out now and rutan was the reason he left in the first place (all rumours, i dunno whats true or not)