Morbid Angel

Tough call. I want to say that their 'best' album is a toss up between Blessed and Covenant. However, when I think about it, I've always listened to Altars more than any other.
Altars Of Madness & Abominations Of Desolation!

By the way, I can't see why David Vincent had to change his vocal style for Blessed Are The Sick. I think the dull vocals take away a bit from my listening enjoyment on that album.
Originally posted by slayer81
Hmm..i have to say Covenant. I wonder what`s the Mor.Ang. line-up nowadays since Erik Rutan went to play in Hate Eternal???:confused:

As far as I know the current line-up is:

Trey Azagthoth - guitar
Pete Sandoval - drums