More Hot Chicks At PP VIII!!

Boy has this thread deteriorated in the absolute worst way.
I'll just stay out of this,because I can make this thread go into the abyss with a way TMI comment here
MetalRose said:
I guess PPVIII is going be a huge orgy of groping of between women.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!


I had lost interest in this thread until Metal revived my interest!! :rock: Groping between women. Good. :kickass:
yardleybates said:
:heh: yes, it was a quiet meal that day :) I have a standard rule that I don't usually molest someone the first day I meet them :)

(the next day .........)

...hmmm...i don't think i remember getting groped the next day...i am sure i would have remembered....maybe i am just not gropeable...:erk:
yardleybates said:
And your wife is just soooooooooooooooooooooooo lickable er .... I mean gropeable

You know, just to keep this fair and balanced among the genders, I think I'm going to have to give Mike a good grope the next time I see him. Don't want him to feel left out or anything!

Be afraid, Mike. Be very, very afraid. :muahaha:

metalprof said:
You know, just to keep this fair and balanced among the genders, I think I'm going to have to give Mike a good grope the next time I see him. Don't want him to feel left out or anything!

Be afraid, Mike. Be very, very afraid. :muahaha:


If that doesn't kill the thread, i don't know what will. ;) :lol: