More Hot Chicks At PP VIII!!

BlackRoseMetalHeart said:
Next thing you know, there will be girls at PP wearing T-shirts that say "Groping Permitted" and "Groping Not Permitted." Haha! Actually, I don't think I've ever seen a non-hot female at ProgPower, but then again, like MetalRose said, we all listen to and love metal music. How can you get any hotter?

Funny you mention the t-shirts. Kittybeast had a shirt on this year that said Spank Me and she had as many people that were embarassed to be caught reading her shirt as that just cracked her cheek. Those that were embarassed, her response was "Come on, I'm wearing a shirt that says Spank Me. Don't you think I know what kind of attention that will get me?"

I miss you Kitty Can't wait to see you and Pabla xx
Dragongrrrl said:
Hell, getting groped is part of the reason I GO to ProgPower every year :muahaha:
Well, I don't remember a lot of groping, but I did get a lot of hugs, which was damn nice. :p

The only minor groper I remeber was a security guard. :tickled:
I get groped by more girls than guys at PP. And those men that have groped me have actually ASKED- or I've asked them. I think I grope more men then men grope women... but I've never had a complaint.


(I've also heard stories that this is the first impression I've given to some people... Yes! I rule)

Payback is a bitch:

How's that for a great fest?

Stardust2112 said:
There are several people there that I've known for close to ten years (via different message boards and mailing lists back in the day) and if anyone *did* mess with any of us girls, they'd come to our defense in a heartbeat.

Absolutely true. And it's hard to believe sometimes that I've known some PP people for ten years or so now. Seems like just yesterday that I met Carol (Coldfire) at a Dream Theater show in CA, or met a bunch of people at Powermad '98. Time flies...
