More Iced Earth - an opinion

A friend of mine with similar taste says it's awesome. He was sorry (as was I) that Tim Owens left, so I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Framing Armageddon was top notch. I questioned switching singers midstream like that...but again, my friend called it the "real deal." He was a casual Iced Earth fan before, like me, but felt they really came alive with Owens.
Barlow is among the elite singers in metal so I highly anticipate this release! The single is fantastic and if the rest of the record is as strong (or even as strong as Armageddon is), it's likely to compete with Opeth for album of the year!

Iced Earth rules.
I've been listening to it for the past few days. It's growing on me slowly, but I think it's a letdown from Framing Armageddon -- not one of the better IE efforts. Barlow doesn't sound real sharp & doesn't show much energy in his singing. The songs are mostly mid-paced & they aren't as dynamic as they were on the Framing... there are a few good hooks scattered throughout the album, but a lot of the songs just end up blurring together.

I think it would have been awsome if Jon had employed both Barlow & Ripper on the album. I think they could have complimented each other very well on some of the songs. There are some songs (or parts of songs, at least) that seem like they'd be better if Ripper was singing them.

I thought that Framing Armaggeddon and the Pyramaze album with Barlow were both great, so this one is a bit of a dissapointment.
A friend of mine with similar taste says it's awesome. He was sorry (as was I) that Tim Owens left, so I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Framing Armageddon was top notch. I questioned switching singers midstream like that...but again, my friend called it the "real deal." He was a casual Iced Earth fan before, like me, but felt they really came alive with Owens.

I felt like you about Tim's departure. The album is pretty good, I have to give it my six spins before I write the far I soaking it all in...
Thay play here in October, if I go I have to get the V.I.P. tickets, but it's gonna be a tough call ZZ Top or Iced Earth?!
I got it the other night, and I wasn't blown away by my first time through it. I did not find it as catchy as the last 2 albums with Barlow....however, I will give it a few more spins....
Funny to see the iffy reviews, as my friend, initially "wowed," by it...has now told me that on a couple of listens he wants Owens back. haha. He's sending me a copy in the mail, I should have it tomorrow. He's latest email to me was titled, "...on second thought..." this in reference to his original glowing review. Too freaking bad, the last one was awesome.
Funny to see the iffy reviews, as my friend, initially "wowed," by it...has now told me that on a couple of listens he wants Owens back. haha. He's sending me a copy in the mail, I should have it tomorrow. He's latest email to me was titled, "...on second thought..." this in reference to his original glowing review. Too freaking bad, the last one was awesome.

As a whole it's about the same as the last record. Vocalwise I think the album with Pyramaze that Barlow did was a better performance. To me this is good but appears to be slightly forced. Maybe tackling this story years after the original trilogy seems like overkill. Not a bad album though....
I don't know why but Barlow has never "clicked" with me. Schaffer has always had great arrangements and chord progressions, so I might have to check out the one with Owens, but I have always struggled with Barlow's vocals. I hear talent there, but I just can't put it in words, why I don't care for Barlow. I guess all of this band switching works well for me though. Urban Breed going to Pyramaze should be interesting. I don't think I could fill up one hand counting vocalists out there I like better than Urban.

As much as I like Barlow and had high hopes for this album due to his return, it doesn't spark my interest as much. I feel they are suffering from Blind Guardian's syndrome - too much guitars (particularly harmonized parts) and too much vocals, to add grandeur and disguise subpar songwriting I suppose... That and both bands are missing some hard-hitting stomping songs they used to write.
to me, its a good album, but not a good Iced Earth album...does anyone else feel like this?

Agreed. It just seems lacking compared to their other works.

I think they are overusing harmonized vocals on this record - rather than letting barlow belt it out on his own there is always some sort of backing vocal which i don't think adds much to the song.

Not a bad album by any means, but not great either.
I've got tickets to see them too, Sixx. Also, I've got an advanced copy of this now. I'm reserving judgment. I'm torn thus far. It's not hitting me as straight away as Framing did, but there is some obviously excellent stuff here. So far I like Minions of the Watch and I Walk Alone best. Also, I like it when Barlow sounds like Paul Stanley (not being sarcastic). I need a few listens too. When first I heard Framing I liked it, but its greatness was not readily apparent. So, I'm giving this one that chance with patience. I miss Owens, but that was going to be the case no matter what. Alas.

So far so good.
When Barlow came back in the band it was the best thing since Kurt Cobain kill himself... but the new album is quite disappointing.
I thought this album was extremely dissapointing the firt time i heard it. It's grown on my now and I really like it (especialy Harbinger of Fate). Though it is still... dissapointing.
I like it more, the more I hear it. But, it's a bit of a dichotomy. When I listen to it, I am literally thinking two things in equal measure; 50% of the time it's, "I'm glad Matt's back," the other 50% of the time it's, "I wish Owens was singing on this...." It's a bit maddening.

Crusify The King is probably the best track. Pardon my spelling there, but the copy given to me is actually spelled that way. Not sure if it is intentional, since it seems to be a fairly official copy..? Weird. Probably it is a "pirate misprint."

I'm definately excited for the show in the fall, and will be interested to see if they do both albums all the way through...I hope so.
I've only heard "I walk alone" from the EP. It was decent, but I really wish they would just go back to playing like they did earlier.
I've only heard the EP so far but my favorite albums were back when times were a bit more simple. While their albums are enjoyable, it seems like Jon is trying to stuff more and more into each album to make his "masterpiece". I'll get this regardless, though.
All I can say at this point is that this one is a grower. I'm spinning it over and over at this point. It's really fucking good. The comparison to Framing is obvious and debatable, but this one is no slouch!