More ideas, different setup - Metal grooves


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
So i've put some work on the setup and instead of changing it (inside daw talking) i think i've completely changed it, even my sd2 setup :zombie: which is kind of a... fatigue inducer... thing
Here's a couple of new ideas, god wish i had this ammount of time every day, i've smoked the fuck out of my soul and i need a nap

:Smokin: - reg3n.mp3

what do yoo think of the sound?
Kick sounds very boxy, needs mids scooped out of it, and it's very high in the mix, causing a really ugly pump. The guitars and bass aren't mixing very well, making the guitars sound thin and the bass sound boomy. Especially in this kind of music, the bass needs to be blending with the guitars giving them body and providing the low down for the mix. The mix is also clipping harshly on cymbal strikes.
awesome feedback, thanks a lot, amazing how i can't tell what's wrong when i've heard something 3000 times.. these next couple of days i'm buying a real bass, i'll record everything then, and render a new one