

Oct 14, 2007
Here's the situation: About 2 weeks ago I tested my reamping setup and it worked perfect. The live signal that was recorded and the reamped signal sent through the same setup sounded almost identical. Great! That's what I want right?

Anyway, present day, I need to do some reamping, same exact setup, nothing has been changed, and no go. When I route the signal to be reamped, it has an awful amount of noise/hum coming through before the guitar part even starts and when the guitar part starts, it sounds as if I have the volume of the DI track set to +20db or more before it gets to the amp. I've tried the -15db switch on my radial pro di, but this cuts the gain down so much that the signal hitting the amp is now weak.

2 weeks ago, the DI signal recorded had the -15 switch off and when I routed it back through it had it off and sounded perfect.

So I am completely blank as to where this increased gain to the DI signal may be coming from or what is actually going on.

My signal chain for reamping is Firepod balanced out (I think) to Radial Pro DI using a (I think) 1/4 TRS to Female XLR cable and then a guitar cable from the Radial to the amp or PODXT. I'm also using Audition 3.0 if that even matters.

I've checked to make sure I didn't do something stupid in Audition and have the gain boosted on the track that is being sent out of the Firepod. I've even dropped the gain on the track really low and still get the loud hum and noise.

Any ideas? I'm at a loss of thinks to try. Very aggravating! Thanks in advance for any and all help!
lol, funny thing happened to me last week, i was testing out my new radial pro rmp box, had it all setup right, worked like a charm. then tested a few days later and guess what i got the nasty hum when i monitored the input on the return.

i was 100% certain that all was correctly hooked up, i thought it was. couldn't figure it out.

then i woke up from stupid land and found i was using the wrong outputs. :waah:

i forget that on the firepod that the first set of the lineouts are shared with main, i was last using output 3. i couldn't see the jacks(rackmounted, had to feel around).

so sometimes you get those idiot moments and just double check the signal chain. :lol:
i forget that on the firepod that the first set of the lineouts are shared with main, i was last using output 3. i couldn't see the jacks(rackmounted, had to feel around).

so sometimes you get those idiot moments and just double check the signal chain. :lol:

I've been using output 3. I tried a few others to no avail.

Did you change where stuff is plugged in (AC adapters, etc.)?

I wondered about this too as I had added a battery backup which only the PC and one monitor plugged into. I tried turning it off and plugging the PC and monitor back into their original power strip. Still the same weirdness.

I'm banging my head against the wall here. :waah:

I'm hoping it's just something stupid that I will smack myself for, but I'm not figuring it out!
Is the ground switch on the reamp box on? When I turn this off on my reamp I get megatons of hum.

I've tried it off and on, off and on.

If it was just hum, I would figure it's a cable, ground or something, but there seems to be gain added to the signal that is unexplainable.

I don't think it's DI box itself as I can record a DI signal and the signal seems perfectly normal when it's played back through the monitors.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!