.... (also reamping back into the DI box for level check... just as if it was the original guitar signal) and now I finally got my levels where I want them.
What kind of difference was there in level between the DI and the Reamped DI?
hey hack,
thanks for you response, but if i understood your post correctly, you have rerecorded the di track dry - right??
that's not what i meant - but maybe shows the same loss in gain coming out of the converter.
i had a difference in gain going into the amp between the original guitar (through the di box) and the reamped guitar (through the x-amp).
i thought that the signal must (should)be the same, bit it's not - in my case!
and now i'd like to know, if you guys are in the same situation and everything is fine with my setup!!!!
please make this clear for me:
can you have the same amount of gain coming out of the reamp device as connecting a guitar direct???????
my answer is - no, i can't !!!
Alex, I am confused.

My response was in regards to this question (Bold/italic/underlined in the immediately above quote).
I am assuming your problem is:
Guitar-->Amp, Amp see's your Guitar-level Signal.
X-amp-->Amp, Amp see's LOWER than Guitar-level Signal.
My example is relating to this idea. Disreguard the figure of -4.6 as the level in the DAW and think of it as the Guitar's actual level going into the amp. Call this the "Guitar-level Signal" as in the above (Guitar-->Amp).
Now with the fader as close to Zero as possible the Level was -7.8. Since we disreguarded the -4.6 above, therefore we get -3.2 (-7.8 - -4.6 = -3.2). Therefore the X-amps output level is -3.2 below the Guitar's DI level in this example.
So we now have:
Guitar-->Amp = Guitar-level Signal.
X-amp-->Amp = Guitar-level Signal -3.6.
So, NO, I can NOT have the same amount of gain coming out of the reamp device as connecting a guitar direct. This is the closest I could get the difference without clipping the DI track by raising the fader too high. The 808 takes care of this though if you adjust the Balance (Level) knob above around the mid-way mark and most folks here use a boost of somekind anyway so it doesn't really pose a problem.