More James Murphy news

Nov 16, 2001
North Carolina
This is taken from if you don't know, it is an awesome online metal radiostation.

My band is playing at the Metal Nation show that is the subject of this large writing.

Okay people, here is what I am able to say about the show right now...
Last week, Carl from Command Presence put me in touch with James Murphy who is most noted for his work with Testament and Death. For those of you that are unaware, James was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years ago. He had the tumor successfully removed but remains under treatment and is on very expensive medication. As a result, he is under severe financial hardship and affording his medication is a constant challenge. His situation is very similar to that of former band mate Chuck Schuldiner.
After speaking with James a number of times over the last few days we have worked out a deal where I will devote one day of Metal Nation to benefit James' medical expenses. All proceeds from the show on the date we work out will go 100% to him. There are still a good number of details to be worked out. Doing this changes a lot. I had tossed around the idea of adding a third day to the show, but I felt that we could maximize the turnout and increase the amount we can raise for James if we stick with two days.
Getting to know James after talking with him for a few hours the past week really puts things in perspective. I feel slightly guilty pushing so hard for donations to keep the station running when there is a man like him that has given so much to Metal that is in need of help just to stay alive. Even though I am broke, at least I am healthy. I think we can all relate to that feeling.
So here is the new plan of attack...and hopefully it will be the last one. I am going to raise the ticket prices another $5. James and I will be working together to bring in some national acts willing to play for James' benefit. James is planning on performing a "Death Tribute" with a band that he is putting together. Although that is still largely dependant on the schedules of the other musicians he is working with, right now it looks very good. The Schuldiner estate has already given their blessing to this idea, so we have gotten that far, but we probably won't know the people that will comprise the band for another week or two.
We are also planning on approaching a wide variety of bands to play the show that James is friends with like Malevolent Creation, Vehemence, Fleshgrind, Kataklysm etc. I have also revisited bringing Testament in to play the show if they are willing and available.
There are other national acts that I am still working on for the second day of the show and I am hopeful that in the next two weeks I'll have at least one or two more name acts to add to the bill.
I wish I could say more at this time, but as you are aware, I try not to start rumors. None of the bands I listed above are confirmed and many of them have not even been approached yet, so please, be very careful how you phrase what you say to people if you mention these POSSIBILITIES.
As we line up the bands, you will be the first to know. Oh...I may also expand the number of bands on the bill to make room for James' guests. Since I have already committed to a number of bands, I may have to put them on early slots on Saturday to make room for nationals that we line up for the benefit. This may also squeeze the VIP party idea off the table. I will keep you posted on that.
For those of you that are not able to travel to the Metal Nation 2003: The James Murphy Benefit, I am going to try to work out a guitar raffle through the station online so those that wish to help him out will be able to so even if they can't attend.
I know this is a lot to digest and there will be a lot of excitement over what we are planning. I will continue to keep you abreast of the updates as they happen.
SnakeNet and our membership have always shown a tremendous amount of generosity and goodwill. That is part of what makes me so proud of the people we have involved with this station. Now we have a chance to make a real impact on the life of someone that we, as metalheads, owe such a great debt to. This is going to be something special and I am really looking forward to it. I hope those of you that have been riding the fence about whether to attend or not will make that extra effort to come to the show.
We are also planning on approaching a wide variety of bands to play the show that James is friends with like Malevolent Creation, Vehemence, Fleshgrind, Kataklysm etc. I have also revisited bringing Testament in to play the show if they are willing and available.

That sounds like a great line up, especially cause each of these bands know each other, well at least some members know each other well. I know all of those bands and they have proven throughout the years to be some of the most extreme live acts of this decade. I hope everyone on the eastcoast can treat this Benefit as if it was a Milwaukee Metalfest or NJ Fest and come out for the metal cause. James is an excellent net buddy and I look forward to helping out with our band in any way we can, count us in if our transportation situation gets solved by July! (Our van broke down on the way home from that Deicide Tour '03, we will probabaly get a (new) one very soon.

Good luck on getting Testament on it, I am very curious to hear there change of line up live..this time around. Tell us more about your band Zeff?!
My band is called Sanctity.

We're based out of a dinky ass town in North Carolina called Brevard. We usually just say we're from Asheville NC because it's the closest big city to us.

We used to be a thrash metal band, now we're more melodic. People say we sound like In Flames, wich I agree with, we even cover one of their songs. Think In Flames/Dark Tranquillity with more solos. You can check out our website here..

we've got a whole live show available for download.

We are playing with a band called Summer Dying this Thursday, they were voted by UM as best unsigned metal act of 2002, and Saturday we're opening for Nile.
We ended up playing at Jaxx and it was a very excellent show for all the bands and the sound turned out great! Summer Dying is a good band, tear it up guys. Look forward to seeing you guys play at somepoint!

Good luck at the Nile show!
I just gotta say that fate is truly crewl to plague exelent musicans and respectable people like James murphy ....

my theory is that Mr Murphy's illness was ment for another metal guitarist having the same first name...

i wont say specificly but his innitials are J(AMES)

(fate plz send this man cancer and leave Mr murphy alone)