More newness

blows me away :).
Awesome, the clean guitar with those effects is just so freaking cool !
Great Tone overall, maybe a bit harsh distorted Guitars.
Also really like the songwritng, very cool style :)
Agreed on the slightly harsh guitars, but overall it sounds great. Cool lead too :)

May want to reference on a small set of speakers (like pc speakers) because the track is making the ones at my work flub out like crazy. May be some un-needed low-end.


VH100R: Hehe yeah I know, but I just didn't bother :p
Chryst Krispies: Nope, it's Revalver MkIII.

006: Yeah the guitars get pretty harsh sometimes.. especially when I'm playing 6-string chords. I'm having some trouble getting rid of that harshness when playing stuff like that.. Perhaps I should just EQ those parts differently.
I'm mixing all my stuff on headphones, maybe I should start having some other references haha..
You should get some decent monitors. Everything sounds really good, but you have the same problem I had when mixed with headphones: low end.
In my case it was the lack of it, my headphones clipped in bass frequencies so I was afraid of them and everything sound too thin.
In your case it seems to be the opposite: Your headphones may lack some bass and you boost them all they way up :D It sounds too boomy at times ;)

Anyways it sounds really good, i like your guitar tone, very tight!