One song a day

utarefson: Sure..
I'm running Cubase SX v1.01(haha) and Wavelab
I have an M-Audio Fast track Pro interface
And I use revalver and a shit load of plugs :) (waves,voxengo and others)
Not much more to say really :) I don't know shit about recording really.. I just use my ears and tweak until I think it sounds alright.

thx man, what sort of monitors do you use to mix? and what kind of guitar/pickups are you playing? :) sorry for bothering your ass but I find your tone absolutely perfect and this is what i want to achieve in the future with my poor recordings ;)
utarefson: no prob dude :)
I'm actually doing all my mixes on headphones, then I burn a cd and listen through different setups (basically just my car and at the gym haha) and change what have to be changed :)

You're not bothering me dude, just fun to help if that's what I'm doing..
Do you own some kind of tube screamer? If you don't you can use the one that's in revalver and the treble booster that's available there. Those things really help you get this kind of tone if it's what yer after.