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Oh fuck, Tavastia. :( It's K18, and I'm 17.
They *always* ask for ID from everyone, so I can't see them there.

I wanted to see them twice, but seems like I'll have to take a train to Turku to see them once...
OMG they're coming here!!!!! And 4 gigs!!! :eek: This time I'm NOT going to miss them....Turku and Helsinki sound both good..

YAY!!! :hotjump: :Smokedev: :cool: :spin:
Originally posted by Cerulean
In Finland you can't go to shows under 18??? :eek::eek:
I went to brutal death and black metal shows already when I was 14/15!
People who are under 18 can't get into the gigs 'cause you can buy alcohol there and it's illegal to drink it when you're underaged. There are some places where underaged people can go but they're not allowed to buy drinks or go to the area where drinks are sold. So actually seeing a band isn't forbidden.
Oh fuck. Säätämö is also K18.

Anybody here been there? Can you tell me whether they are strict with the age? I can pass off for an 18 year old, but Tavastia checks the ID's of everyone who looks young. Is Säätämö like this too?

EDIT: Jyväskylä is also restricted usually. Looks like my only hope is Nivala, which is *sometimes* K18. Too bad it's 500km away and on the other side of the country. :(
When I last time where there, when Satyricon was performing, they didn't check ID's from anyone. There were quite many people under 18. They just checked your ticket and you got in.
Thanks Zeanra, that made me really happy.

I think I'll take my chances with Turku, because I won't get into Tavastia for sure (although I'm going to try anyway, since I can return the ticket).

Onko ensin vastassa portsari vai lipun myyjä? Tavastiassa on ensin lipun myynti koju, ja siitä portsari. En ole päässyt portsarin ohi, mutta rahat saa takaisin palauttamalla lipun. Nosturissa on toisin päin, jos ei pääse portsarin ohi rahat on heitetty hukkaan.
Öööh tuota, olin aika huuruissa jo mennessäni sinne...Ei siinä mitään kunnon portsaria ainakaan ollut, joku heppu, joka piteli ovea vain auki, sitten piti jonottaa helvetin kauan ja sitten ne repi lippua...Olin tuolloin ensimmäistä kertaa Säätämöllä, mutta olen kuullut, että siellä on aina yhtä löyhät "turvatoimet". Eli kannattaa yrittää, hyvät mahdollisuudet :)

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
Ihan vain lisätäkseni vielä. Säätämö ei ole mikään upea keikkapaikka, pieni ja ahdas ja toimivista käymälöistä ei ole kuultukaan. Jos olet lukenut Satyriconin kommentit paikasta, niin... :rolleyes: Ai niin, en ole varma saako lippua paikan päältä ostettua, luulisi ainakin, mutta jos bändi on suosittu, niin kannattaa varata jostain se lippu etukäteen.
Tuli luettua... en oikein usko että kiihkouskovaiset ja poliisit vaivautuvat paikalle tällä kertaa. :lol:

Lipun ostan etukäteen tietysti. ;)
where is nivala, and how do i get there?! can you go by train/bus from turku or helsinki?? or does someone of you fins live there and need a ride? i bring my car, you bring a finn map. :)
and where do i get tickets??
i reeeeeeaaly need to know :)
@Hobo: If you are driving to Finland from Northern Sweden, then Nivala is your best bet.


It's a small town though, and I didn't even know they had a venue. It's bound to be small...

Tickets are bought either from Lippupalvelu or Tiketti. It's possible to reserve tickets over email and buy them a few hours before the gig with both.

I think the fastest way though would be to take a car ferry from Stockholm to Turku, to see the show there. Might be even cheaper taking into consideration the gas cost. Or then take a car ferry to Helsinki, and drive to the Turku show a few days later.

Two trains leave from Helsinki to Nivala on the day of the concert.
05:20 -> 11:33
10:34 -> 18:09
The second one takes over an hour longer for no specified reason... ticket cost is 60 euros for the first one, and 55 for the second. There is one change of train involved in both.

The first train to leave Nivala (after the concert) leaves at 07:24 and is 58 euros. :erk:
ouch... lots of $$....
well... nivala is the only day i have off from work, so thats the only fin gig i can go to.... think i have to dig in my walet and check possibilities a little more before going..
A bit off-topic, but Tuiskula (the venue Katatonia will play in Nivala) is a quite legendary place. For example Metallica has played there (believe it or not) in '84 or '86. I haven't been there, but since everyone is allowed, lots of drunken teenagers will probably show up. That's the Lapin meininki what I've heard.