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Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Hey Hawk get ready for them (and bring Carnut along).

We just got home last night after a loooong few days of travel. We left on Thursday, practiced on Friday in Holland, Played on Saturday and flew back home on Sunday. We had such a good time, as we always do in Holland, at the Dynamo, I would do it again in a heart beat! John Oliva is a good friend, my favorite singer and playing, hanging out and partying with him in Holland was a blast! If you can only imagine a couple of RedNecks from Florida getn'-er-done in Holland!!! We are getting so many friends there now it is starting to feel like home! We will be back playing in Tilburg, Holland on June 23, 2005! Hope to see you all there! The Dynamo people put together a really good Festival this year with a bunch of great bands and I think everyone there enjoyed it a lot!

And btw, click here :D
Hawk said:
He he Yea!! I think its going to be a great metal summer in Holland and Belgium! I wish you could come our way Wyv!

Me too my good friend, someday ;)