More Pre-Party info


Apr 16, 2002
Hey guys, a few things I'd like to touch upon... First of all, thank you all once again for your continued support in the Pre-Party. It truly has become bigger than I ever expected, and we're looking for ways to improve it every year. Thanks to the Center Stage peeps for being so gracious to us once again. Glenn and I really feel that this is the best move for everyone. Fans and Bands alike!!!!!

I have confirmed that it WILL be an ALL-AGES SHOW!!!!! I am VERY excited about this as I have been efforting to make this happen since the beginning..... There may be a few sacrifices to make this happen, i.e. no smoking,, however I feel that it is well worth it... Thanks again to Center Stage.

As far as the lack of GB priveledges, I do apologize. We felt that by moving the show to the main stage it would make up for any conveniences that the other venue allowed us. I promise to continue to work on something, and will post here ASAP if something comes up. Sorry we cannot do backstage....hehe

Thanks once again everyone, Cya in SEPT!!!

Beholder said:
There may be a few sacrifices to make this happen, i.e. no smoking,, however I feel that it is well worth it...

I agree! I HATE Smoking!!
Those of us from California have a hard time fathoming indoor smoking in public.... It Sucks! If possible places set up a small outdoor place for the addicts....
Ok now lets just rope off the floor and make it gold badge only.... *ducks* DOH!!! ;)
I'm fourthing (?) the non-smoking vote. Don't feel like smelling like crap to have a good time.
Anyway, I'm setting my alarm tonight. I'm so excited!
I think since it's all ages it should be no drinking as well.

AHA! JK! Relax you freaking alcoholics!!

WAY TO GO Shaney!!
SharkBlack said:
Those of us from California have a hard time fathoming indoor smoking in public.... It Sucks! If possible places set up a small outdoor place for the addicts....
Ok now lets just rope off the floor and make it gold badge only.... *ducks* DOH!!! ;)

Funny you say this, my buddy suggested we rope off a section of the floor for the GB holders tonight! rofl....

*Hides in a corner to have a smoke*:Smokin:
rockyracoon said:
Ditto on the smoking. Though I am considering picking up smoking just to have something in common with J-Dubs.

We both liked Strato! :)

J-Dubya - Considerate to non-smokers, but if you go militant on me, that's your ass! :heh:
Open the upstairs VIP lounge balcony to Gold Badge holders.......and then watch as it gracefully shears away from the wall under all that weight and comes crashing down on stage-left.

"Say....THAT's not something you see every day...." :OMG:

More seriously, maybe the venue could open up Vinyl for GB holders? :saint:
Beholder said:
Sorry we cannot do backstage....hehe

:lol: I knew that was asking for too much, but I had to try. :loco: Even though I'm a GB holder, I do appreciate that you got the Pre-Party moved to the mainstage. The no smoking policy is a plus for me too. Thanks for all your hard work.

Pellaz said:
More seriously, maybe the venue could open up Vinyl for GB holders? :saint:
Good idea. +1
This event just keeps getting better and better, congrats to Glenn and Shane on this!
I motion to rope off a section of the floor next to the stage for the GB holders ;) And maybe have a big-breasted bikini girl there with the rope checkin the badges.
Sorry, but everyone paid the same amount for the pre-party tickets...there should not be any advantages for the GB people.
VenomGA said:
Sorry, but everyone paid the same amount for the pre-party tickets...there should not be any advantages for the GB people.

Whoa. Let me stop this thread before it gets out of control. The pre-party is an extension of the festival, not an independant show. I have allowed Shane to run with it over the past few years as he has done a damn good job and deserves the rewards. You are free to voice your opinon, but this is not how it works. Gold Badge holders have had special privledges since PP III in terms of getting in early at the pre-party and a private bar to chat with bands. That is something that I have established from the beginning and plan on continuing till the end. This has been a requesite for the pre-party regardless of who promotes it or where it is held. Otherwise, I would pull my support of the show and kill it.