More Pre-Party info

If nothing else, the far left end of the concourse past the bathrooms (where most of the signings occur) could be roped off for GB members only, and the far left entrance to the ampitheather closed.

It wouldn't be as good ast the separate room last year or at the Riviera, but it's better than nothing. Having a quiet place to talk is one of those things I look forward to every year at the pre party.

That was considered, but the problem is that there simply isn't that much room down there. With no vendors or signings on Thursday night, the lobby should be rather quiet for the most part. Btw, I haven't given up on figuring something out yet.
Harvester said:
Vinyl's will not be open the night of the pre-party unless they change it at the last minute. There is a seperate show going on in the Loft as well.

As for smoking in Vinyl's during the weekend, you weren't suppose to last year (when the new law came into effect) but they didn't enforce it. It will be enforced this year. Besides, no offense, but going there to smoke and making the vendors that are in there all day long enhale your second hand stuff isn't very nice. I had a few complain about it last time.

Thank god. This year I'll actually be able to go into the vendor's room then =)
Pellaz said:
Open the upstairs VIP lounge balcony to Gold Badge holders.......and then watch as it gracefully shears away from the wall under all that weight and comes crashing down on stage-left.

The visual I got with that was f_king hysterical!
BABS said:
Pellaz said:
Open the upstairs VIP lounge balcony to Gold Badge holders.......and then watch as it gracefully shears away from the wall under all that weight and comes crashing down on stage-left.
The visual I got with that was f_king hysterical!

<Two guys, non-Gold Badge holders, watching from the other side of the stage, like Waldorf and that other guy on The Muppet Show>

"Say, that looks like Bryant attempting to do a triple gainer off the balcony as it falls--"
"Oh, he went headfirst into that bass amp."
"He'll feel THAT in the morning!"
"Hey, that looks like Jon Halyalkar tumbling--"
"I thought I recognized that actordude from Who's The Boss! Lucky, he might have broken only one leg!"
"Look, that's gotta be General Zod falling over there."
"Yep. Guess this planet Marshall has a hard surface."
"That big galoot hanging onto the shorn-off support strut is Pellaz--"
"Yeah, he can't be strong enough to hang on much longer..."
"--And he falls! Watch out below! Incominnnng! Falling whale!"
"You won't see THAT at the Georgia Aquarium, folks! Hey, there's a surprised-looking bowl of petunias falling next to him, too!"*
"Say....where the hell is Glenn?!"
"He's over at the bar doing fastbeers with Evergrey. He knows how strong that balcony...wasn't!" :heh:

* shameless Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy reference :)
My vote for post of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:


Pellaz said:
<Two guys, non-Gold Badge holders, watching from the other side of the stage, like Waldorf and that other guy on The Muppet Show>

"Say, that looks like Bryant attempting to do a triple gainer off the balcony as it falls--"
"Oh, he went headfirst into that bass amp."
"He'll feel THAT in the morning!"
"Hey, that looks like Jon Halyalkar tumbling--"
"I thought I recognized that actordude from Who's The Boss! Lucky, he might have broken only one leg!"
"Look, that's gotta be General Zod falling over there."
"Yep. Guess this planet Marshall has a hard surface."
"That big galoot hanging onto the shorn-off support strut is Pellaz--"
"Yeah, he can't be strong enough to hang on much longer..."
"--And he falls! Watch out below! Incominnnng! Falling whale!"
"You won't see THAT at the Georgia Aquarium, folks! Hey, there's a surprised-looking bowl of petunias falling next to him, too!"*
"Say....where the hell is Glenn?!"
"He's over at the bar doing fastbeers with Evergrey. He knows how strong that balcony...wasn't!" :heh:

* shameless Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy reference :)

Pellaz said:
<"Say....where the hell is Glenn?!"
"He's over at the bar doing fastbeers with Evergrey. He knows how strong that balcony...wasn't!" :heh:

I just had too, that was tooo damn funny!:lol: :lol:
Harvester said:
That was considered, but the problem is that there simply isn't that much room down there. With no vendors or signings on Thursday night, the lobby should be rather quiet for the most part. Btw, I haven't given up on figuring something out yet.

I just want to make sure that there's someplace to driiinnnnnkkkk :zombie: